Not knowing how to adult

Alright seeing as I’m gonna be 18 in December and I want to be steady and out on my own as soon as possible I am looking for a few pieces of advice…

What are some good skills to have on a resume?
What are some ways someone can ace a job interview?
What are some good ways to save money?
What are some good ways to be financially stable?
What are some good ways to get out more?
What can I do to guarantee my success as an adult?
What are some good resources for adult therapy and psychiatry?
What are some overlooked jobs that pay a livable wage?

What other tips can you all throw my way for adulting?

Thank you kayla for suggesting me to post this on the support wall!

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That is a lot of questions! Hehe. Thank you for sharing. I say you should take it slow. Don’t overwhelm yourself of how you are going to do in life. It will take awhile, but you will be fine. Remember, we all are in a journey. You are in a process of maturing and growing. Keep pressing on.

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Yo dude! I actually have SOME thoughts here…haha
Since I’m a 30yo dude with a house and wife and kids and dog, I did learn a couple of these…

What are some good skills to have on a resume?
Depends on your field I guess. You definitely can’t go wrong with experience though. I know something that’s overlooked with especially creative/trade careers is the power of personal projects. Just having SOMETHING to show is really good. Even if it’s like. “I had a bunch of time so i made this” is great if you can show your skills.

What are some ways someone can ace a job interview?
I only have a little bit of experience with this, but make sure to be real. And be personable. Don’t talk on and on about yourself, but be a human. Talk about how your day is going, ask how theirs is. Even business isn’t ALL business.

What are some good ways to save money?
Holy crap this is something I’m learning as I go. Honestly, the best thing is to figure out where each dollar is going every month. I signed up for and it’s amazing how much more stable I am since using it. I was always afraid of budgeting, but it’s simple really… 1) Figure out what you spend money on. 2) Decide what you SHOULD be spending money on. 3) Give yourself a weekly allowance based on that. Youtube the “Envelope” method of budgeting. It’s rad and easy.

What are some good ways to be financially stable?
Biggest thing, don’t buy stuff you can’t afford. Don’t run up credit cards. Pay off things as soon as you can. I know this is easier said than done, but you gotta start with how much money is coming in. You can’t spend MORE than you’re getting. If you are, you gotta get a different job, or spend less.

What are some good ways to get out more?
Best thing I’ve found. Invite people to hang out with you. Eventually they’ll invite you too. Also… Church is super good for making friends and being more social. I don’t remember if you’re into that or not… sry.

What can I do to guarantee my success as an adult?
Haha… this would be nice.
Short answer… you have to define what success is to you. What’s important to you?
you have to start there. Spend some time on this because it’s super important. It’s the foundation.

What are some good resources for adult therapy and psychiatry? for sure.

What are some overlooked jobs that pay a livable wage?
I really think you can probably live on most wages if you’re willing to live within those means. I mean there are tons of circumstances that could complicate that. But you can be poor and have a killer wage, or very comfortable on a sucky wage… just depends on how you manage your time and money.

What other tips can you all throw my way for adulting?
Probably a lot actually. I like talking about this stuff. Feel free to hit me up on Discord!


When you go to an Interview show that you are confident.
Don’t hold back on a resume experience counts
Be yourself
Always put your best foot forward.
Bring lunch to work
Be friendly but not to get to cliquey with people at work.
Be aware of work place politics.