Not today. please, don't

Everything is so cloudy. I can’t be me. I’m a child, and everything hurts. What am I doing with my life? No positivity today, I’ll be me, just for this moment. There’s no escape to this pain. I don’t trust anyone. I’m so hurt and scared. I can never feel comfortable. I don’t need acknowledgement, I just want to pour this out, I have no one else and I don’t want to give this to my boyfriend. He’s been anxious like me these days and it hurts to see. I’d rather be at work. I just want a day without anyone to put me down. I’m tired of caring. No more loud noises. Leave me the fuck alone, please.

writing negatively hurts, I don’t want anyone I care about to see this. yet I feel the need to post.


Hey @itsnotoveryet

I just wanted to say that i am glad you were able to feel the need to post this and support yourself for just this moment. Pour out everything here because you are safe and loved.


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hello, itsnotoveryet! I know you said you don’t need acknowledgement but I want you to know I see you. It sounds like you’ve had a rough day and I’m glad you came here to vent. That’s healthy. Thank you for sharing and I hope tomorrow is brighter. Rant away, vent, let everything out. You are seen and cared about. Just keep swimming, friend :hrtlegolove:



Hi @itsnotoveryet I hope that you know that you matter and you are not alone. I’m glad that you felt safe to post as well. ~Mystrose


From: micronious

I’d just like you to know I care, and I truly think you matter. I’m so sorry you are hurting. I hope the healing light fills you and keeps you warm and safe. You deserve to be loved just like each and every one of us. We all go through some tough spots but that’s what makes the good spots so wonderful. We are all here if you need to talk… I wish you peace on your journey my friend!


Hi itsnotoveryet
I am sorry you are feeling so down. Sometimes everybody feels the way you do. I do and I know that the people I care about do too. There is no shame in feeling this way. Its just the way it is sometimes when the weight of the world just drops on our shoulders. I also dont want for people I care about to see me in a bad place but when they do come and be there with me our bond becomes stronger and our trust is deepened. Sometimes it is also just good to take a break from the world. I hope this wount last for long and you can be happy again :slightly_smiling_face:


From: SuchBlue

Hi itsnotoveryet,
We aren’t going to bite, we aren’t going to judge, please don’t hesitate to open up with us here. It is good that you felt the need to post this and did so. You matter and you count :hrtlegolove: hope you feel better soon


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend thank you for posting and I am so pleased that you got to really express yourself, I hope that just doing this has helped a little. It can be frightening to put trust in others when you are fearful yourself about your own choices. I don’t know what your relationship with your boyfriend but as a couple you could be a great comfort to eachother if you opened up to one another and shared your anxieties. It sounds like today was not a good day for you, is this a regular thing? I really would encourage you to talk to someone if you could as I do think it would make for a happier you. We are all here for you friend. Post anytime. Much Love Lisa. x


Thank you @blacklink13x , pouring it all out helped, and I feel better than earlier. Thank you for showing support without judgement. I don’t like looking back at my post but letting it out helped.


I am not sure if discord replies can see my message, but I want to thank you all so much either way. Thank you for seeing me, thank you for reassuring me that what I did can be healthy and necessary at times. Thank you for understanding me without judgements, and for encouraging me. Thank you so much. I will try to get better.


Thank you for the kind words @Ashwell , it really did feel like a weight of every single little thing tearing me down all at once. A break from the world sounds so nice, maybe I can make my own version of that, even if it means drowning into some good music. I was happy again today, I am grateful for that atleast. I spoke to my boyfriend about it, I really can’t get myself to keep a thing from him so it was bound to happen. He didn’t judge me, just like you all. Thank you so much again, Ashwell. :heart:


I am supported. Thank you all so much. I just cannot choose who, because you all have helped me a great deal. Thank you again :heart:


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