Once again thank you my first attempt was at eight

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Once again, thank you. My first attempt was at eight years old. I’ve struggled for forty four years. Never more than have the past few months.

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Thank you for sharing. Forty-four years is a long time; it’s impossible to remember a time before when you didn’t struggle. And it sounds like it’s been getting worse recently which must feel disheartening.
I think what keeps me going is my relationships. The time that I contemplated suicide, I ultimately decided against it because I was thinking of how that would affect the other people in my therapy group I was meeting with at the time. It feels like a silly reasoning because I don’t even remember their names, but it did help me hang on a little longer.
Since then, I’ve been able to get treatment to help me not hate myself anymore. I have a good relationship with my current therapist who has worked with individuals with similar struggles.
If you need more encouragement, HeartSupport has several resources that you might find useful: Get Help | HeartSupport . These include a list of crisis resources, a mentorship program, and a 7-day trial with Better Help.
You don’t have to do this alone. You are more than your struggles.
Hold Fast. We Believe in You.

Thank you for your message and sharing your experience on this topic!

I can recall my earliest struggles being around the same age as yours were. Holding onto the hardships as a child is hard and still having hold onto them in our later years can feel especially rough.

I want you to know that even with your struggles you still matter and that we at HeartSupport are cheering you on in your path to a better mental health! You have done amazing going through despite it all for so long and I really hope you’ll find a better place in your life soon.

Thank you again for being a part of us and sharing your experience with us. You rock and I hope to hear from you again soon!