RocquetMan Fan #10

I feel so overwhelmed by the hatred in the world today. I feel like being positive like I am most of the time is so difficult and discredits the severity of just how lost and scared I am… but when I try and think of what’s hurting me or how scared I am all the time I just overwhelmed and don’t know how to find the words to tell me friends what I’m feeling. I feel so alone because of my own incapability of putting my hurt into words.

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You have made the first step and we are SO PROUD OF YOU! the world is scary right now and it can be scary to live in. Find someone that you can support and they can support you, talk to a therapist, it can be hard to talk about but please try to find a way. But remember YOU ARE LOVED AND YOU MATTER!

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Hey friend,

First off I want to say that I am so proud of you for reaching out and for having the courage to express how you’re feeling to all of us. It takes a lot sometimes, I applaud you for taking this step.

The world is an absolutely scary, negative place lately. With every thing that’s going on right now, it’s hard to look at the things that are happening and carry on throughout the day feeling happy and positive. It’s 100% okay to not be okay, and it can be so draining mentally, and emotionally to constantly try and put on a smile. I don’t blame you at all for feeling overwhelmed or for not exactly being able to put what you’re feeling into words - sometimes it’s very difficult, and that’s okay!

I encourage you to reach out to the people in your life that you feel comfortable enough to try and explain what you’re going through - Whether it be friends, a family member, or even a therapist. I promise you there are people willing to be there for you, to listen to you and support you no matter what, you are a strong individual and we love you so much, we’re proud of you and we are all here for you. <3

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Hey friend,

This world is indeed overwhelming and scary. And with everything going on at such a large scale, especially this year, it’s hard not to feel vulnerable or affected by it. It’s a lot to process, and we’re only human beings after all. Too many informations, so many pain all at once.

In these moments, it can be helpful to step back a little from reading the news and social medias, so you can actually focus on simple things. It’s not selfish to focus on what brings some peace to your heart, especially if you feel overwhelmed. :hrtlegolove:

It’s also okay if you don’t really how to express how you feel. Sometimes we say more things between the lines than with the words we actually use. Sometimes we can’t say “I’m hurting” or even explain why but we can at least ask for a hug or an ear to listen. You can even say to your friends “I’m not okay, I don’t know how to explain it, but I need you”.

And actually, you explained very well how you feel here. Being scared, overwhelmed and vulnerable… also a little lost because of so many things happening that are just hard to process and understand. I feel for you, friend. We’re in this with you. And I’m glad you took some time to share about this. It’s really important. :hrtlegolove:

I can only echo our friends here and remind you too that you are so loved. With all your strengths and all your vulnerability. You have the right not to be okay. You have the right to say it. Whether you are used to be joyful or not. That’s okay. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you. <3

Man it’s so hard to feel like the goodness of your heart is being squashed by hate. It feels like your rose is being choked out by weeds, like your voice drowned by a cacophony of division. I’m sorry you are feeling that way friend. I want to affirm you that your voice and heart matter.

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