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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
So I’m not looking to harm myself. But some days are just so hard. Not summer is over. I just feel so bla. Thoughts are just empty. Thinking about
What I should do
What I should have done
What I can do
What I can’t
What I have todo
What I could do
What I want to do
Why this are a certain way.
What did I do
How could I have made things better
How could I make things better.
ALL the things
We live in this world questioning ourselves about everything we do, or what should we do, how we should do it. Etc…
I learned to go with the flow in yhis world, that there are so many unexpected things happening that we wish we could control, but we dont have control in this world but ourself.
Best suggestion is taking a day at a time and enjoy what really is in front of you.
Enjoy the nature, the ground we walk on, the trees, flowers and beautiful creatures and animals you see. Help someone in need on the streets.
Smile to other’s who need a smile, you never know whose having a bad day.
I understand summer ending can be depressing not able to enjoy as much as you should.
Plan a trip to enioy yourself, where the sun hits the water and catch a suntan.
Winter times are for company to keep us occupied and enjoy family and friends.
Hey there friend,
With today’s society we all hold ourselves sometimes to unrealistic standards of who we are because of others influences. Like one of these comments said, Take some time to just… bask in the moment of time. The future hasn’t happened yet and the past is over. The present time is valuable. Just remember that you’re worth it, You are valid, you are good enough. To address someting like the self harm thing, Some days are hard and others are easier… Take it a day at a time
Hi friend!
Reading through your thoughts I can just feel how overwhelming it all feels and how empty at the same time. Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing with us.
I understand how some days are harder than others, especially as you mentioned, now that summer is coming to a close and the days can get a lot darker and grey. I want share what helps me when I am feeling overwhelmed, in hopes that it can help you! Start with small things, go on a walk, light a candle and read a good book, reach out to a friend to get coffee! Find little ways to find comfort especially when the world outside feels a lot more gloomy. Know that everyone struggles with overwhelming thoughts sometimes, you are absolutely not alone! We got you, than you so much for reaching out. We are always here if you need to talk!