Sober by tool captures the intense internal battle

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“Sober” by Tool captures the intense internal battle that so many people face on the path to sobriety. The song offers a raw look into the seductive power of addiction, shedding light on how loud and persistent that inner voice can be. But it also serves as a reminder to fight back against it by focusing on the person you want to become and the goals you’re striving to achieve. Recovery is tough, and moments of struggle are real—but every time you choose to keep moving forward, you’re reclaiming a part of your life. If you’re on this journey or know someone who is, take a moment today to reflect on why you started and how far you’ve come.

Tag @heartsupport in the comments by sharing what keeps you motivated in your fight against addiction?”

The shirt is :fire:===========

Love the fact you are vibing on Tool. A previous poster indicated maybe being to literal. Not sure i agree with that but see where they are coming from. I think maybe too analytical might be closer. Though I’m Sure Maynard would absolutely love you for getting it and absorbing his lyrics. He was a bit of a PITA when it came to artistic rights and such back then. I hope you take and play it just feeling it as well as the analysis of the song. If you do i am guessing you will really get it then. The bass, the drums, the pain, and the vicious guitar. You do that internalize it and feel it in your vision you have a glimpse of being a Gen X’r back in 93 with the grunge and whatever they finally labeled tool as

Isn’t about addiction. The song is About painting an irrational picture of somebody using lies and blaming the problem on drugs and alcohol when the real problem is misuse of power by creating tyranny and taking the rights of others by painting pleasures such as sex and drugs out to be a false monster. Blaming, isolation and a response to the frustration that results from the manipulative process of painting an irrational picture of a rational situation or individual. The response to the anger is “fuck it then, Your gonna have what I want” because the lies and irrationality led to a waste of time.