Some frustrations part 2 TW Really disturbing things

Hey everyone,

Today I want to talk to you about something frustrating and disturbing at the same time and in the first time in my entire life on this earth, and for the sake of anyone reading this.I feel obligated to give you a trigger warning about some really disturbing things.its for your sake that you dont go on if you’re uncomfortable or dont want your day ruined,if not,go ahead but proceed with caution.With the disclaimer finished,lets begin.

I have told you about my friend who I presumed had schizophrenia and had anxiety,depression,suicidal thoughts and has symptoms of PTSD because of constant verbal and physical abuse around him,he would also have a lot of maniac episodes and to add the icing on the horrible,horrible cake,he lived with a family that verbally abused him and was anti-mental health.Here’s the link to the topic if you’re interested : Progress with a friend that I have been helping

To summarize this whole story,I have been helping this friend with these issues for a bit and man it was hard and required a lot of patience.Because,he would have these sudden chains of negative thoughts,either maniac episodes,suicide thoughts or panic attacks,so I felt like I was fighting off an entire army but I managed to help him out and even was able to get him to ask for an appointment in the hospital and things started to look up ,his thoughts were more coherent and he was slowly improving and things were going really well,until one day,he broke me some crazy news,essentially one day his mom was verbally abusing him which caused him to have a maniac attack and a mental breakdown,his big brother called an ambulance for him,he got two professionals assigned to him,a therapist and a physiatrist and you might say thats good at least,which I have to say,I fucking agree. Things seemed to improve,his sentences were more and more coherent,he was taking his meds,things seemed awesome,I even told him to have a journal to write his thoughts so he can communicate with his professionals.Flash forwards to the day before yesterday,and maaannnn things really went down the shitter.Firstly,he had to give up his cat into adoption because his brother and his gf and their son(my friend lives in his brother house after the incident with the mom,sadly he cant be with his cat,because his bro has 2 cats and 2 dogs I think)are moving to a place that wont allow pets,so his bro is getting fucked over too. And to say he was devastated, would be an understatement,even a reminder of his cat made him sad,I loved that cat too,I loved him a lot seriously.The second thing was,and this is the fucked part,he told me that his phsyetraist said that he hit an all time low and gave him anti-pshyotics and both of them made a pact saying that he wont hurt anyone…yes you know where this is going.He started telling me about wanting to kill people and eat them and all sorts of horrible shit,like for example raping the gf of his brother and murdering her son or wanting to eat his pshycetraist and wanting to “feel her skin” and he talked about wanting to hurt other people in general,but eating people was like something he really talked about a lot,even in self harm,he would bite himself a lot.Even worse I realized while I was writing this(I was talking to him while writing this)is that he told me that inside he wasnt happy,it was just out of impulse,now should I believe him,I dont know.But I will keep my fucking guard up you better believe.And after that he stopped and said that he wanted to process something his best girl friend said which was and I quote

"If you have urges to commit rape and murder, just come to my town and rape me, as you want, but never touch another innocent person "

“You’re my friend, last thing I want is you to get in trouble for this, if I have to endure it for you good, I will”

Which to be honest,reading it,it was haunting,sad but there was some beauty in it,the average person would have been sent to tears,but pain we endure.later he collapsed again and told me that he doesnt want to be tortured by the urges,he doesnt want it.

The frustration part is me trying to reason with him when he says horrible things about wanting to eat and murder people,etc because its arguing with someone who doesnt get it because its in his impulses,hell I am afraid he might be an actual psychopath because I tried to reason with him initally that what he was doing was wrong by giving him some perspective,he would get really mad at me if I even mention his cat(even positively)but him talking about wanting to eat his doctor like was okay,I told him "Imagine what they would have felt if they heard you.But he told me that he didnt get it.But remember my friends,Im not a doctor you know.All in all,its really sad and frustrating to deal with,but I got the hang of it,I must not try to reason with him if he says fucked up shit.

so yeah,this was quite disturbing and I hope that I didnt ruin your day,I hope to god he doesnt actually hannibal lecter somebody.


That he is saying things like that indicates that he needs intense help. It sounds like he needs his medication reevaluated. It sounds like he was already having an episode of instability, then had to give up his cat. It was a mistake for the hospital to let him go home.

Such impulsive thoughts need to be taken seriously, even if at this time he doesn’t plan to act on them. There are procedures that can get him to an inpatient facility for a 72 hour evaluation. It’s good that his brother called an ambulance, and it sounds like he may have to do it again.

It’s terrible they are having to give up their pets. Hopefully homes can be found for them. If they only plan to be at their new location temporarily, maybe someone would be willing to foster the pets.

It is absolutely wonderful that you have cared about this person for so long.


Also, as helpful as the female friend tried to be by “volunteering”, that could make it worse, when he gets a taste for it, and living it one once could very likely break the dam on any control he has over that particular urge. definitely he should seek some help for it and as soon as possible before his control runs out/he decides to give in.

You’ve done well to be there for him, please continue to be safe.



Yeah man its sad to see man,when you think things got better they just collapse like that you know,its absolutely nuts how life has that ability to destroy everything in less than a second bud.He is getting genuine professionals help,one with a therapist and one with a phsyetraist,but I take you mean its better that he gets admitted to a more urgent facility.Him being sent to an inpatient facility for 72 hours,I do think thats a good idea,the problem is I dont if the procedure in his country is like that in North America,I wont say where he is from,but he is from a Mediterranean country known for its beautiful beaches,long life spans and quality lobster.To tell you the truth,I did think he could have been having an unstable episode and losing his cat caused him to just snap you know,I will see if its possible if he could find a foster home for them.Also @Sita you are absolutely right about his friend,because you see in a lot of causes,where some psychopaths who could control their urges for a bit,but once they act on it,they want more and more and more,you see it in a lot of criminal cases.I forgot to add as well,that I think he has some abandonment issues,where because of his conditions he lost a lot of friends on discord,and if I even implied(not intentionally)that I would leave him or unfriend him,he would fucking panic out of his mind,because he thought I would leave him,he had a lot of people leave him.

I would like to thank you guys for believing in me in terms of helping him out,dont worry about me,for real.


encourage him to go in for treatment/hold as soon as he can, let him know it’s also to keep him safe and to give him some relief from the urges and from the compulsive thoughts he’s having. Let him tell them the things he’s been thinking about, so that they know how best to help him. He hasn’t committed any crimes, so that’s not something he has to worry or be scared about, so it’s just to get him somewhere safe to be looked at/over.

Really hoping he can get the help.

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I will tell him to attempt to get much more intensive care to protect others and him from himself.but man,I didnt expect things would get to this level you know


yeah, seeing this happen to a friend must be very startling! and especially with these sort of urges/fantasies, which is so outside of the range of acceptable behaviour.

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to tell you the truth its not that its disturbing,its more that shit hit the fan to an unprecedented level you feel me,I have accepted that the human race is capable of a lot of horrible shit a long time,but its more that it happened to me,its quite interesting,one of the thoughts that is kinda is the back of my mind is that,what will the ending be?will it be a happy ending where he has a beautiful life?or a horrible ending where he gets arrested and shit goes down?its like what happened with chris chan if you’re familiar with him,everyone and their mom didnt anticipate what happened.Hell,some said that we shouldnt be surprised,but fuck me man.

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He may or may not listen, but let him know that a voluntary admission to an inpatient facility can lead to a reasonable level of mental stability and function. Once he has managed that, he can look for work that suits him. However, if he gets himself arrested, his record will follow him for the rest of his life, and severely limit his options career wise.

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