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Some times doing something wrong for my selfish reasons knowing that it is wrong.


Hard to stop. Hard to change. And so in the moment - you can rationalize it, but in the end, there’s that shame and regret. It’s hard to live that kind of duality - that you want something, and at the same time you hate that you want it. It makes you feel logical and insane, in control and out of control. It’s a fissure, but it feels impossible to piece back together.



I think we all do this from time to time, I think it’s a normal human thing. As long as we’re not hurting anyone or breaking the law etc. ~Mystrose


From: Mamadien

I think that this is something every human on the planet can relate to. We all at some time have felt and done this. The hope is that we try to do better the next time. Again, I have to say I’ve been there done that.

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From: JennaLouiseC

Hi Friend! Being selfish is easy sometimes isn’t it? I think we all struggle with that from time to time. Acknowledging those situations is important. Good for you for being able to recognize a wrong. That takes a lot of self awareness. Thanks for reaching out.

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everyone makes mistakes and at times everyone has moments they act with selfish intent. Whether it’s because they want to or because they need to, it’s just something that we do. But we can grow from those moments. My guilt over selfishness is different from yours, but I’ve learned what parts I’m not really responsible for and what parts I have to unlearn those behaviours or change my motivation. You’re aware of something that needs to change, so really that’s a positive step forward!


hi friend, thank you for sharing. everyone does things like that from time to time. it is part of an healthy egoism
also. do things you love when you would like to. when others are not affected negative by your actions, it is totally nothing wrong for doing it. enjoy your time, time is all that matters. you are loved and you matter.


From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, I think most people at some point do, do something a little selfish knowing its not the nicest thing to do and then regret it afterward and no its not the best but its human I think. In a perfect world we all try to do our best not to hurt others so maybe we sould all try harder. x