Someone pull a fake gun at me while at a stop light

On Thursday night someone pull a fake gun on me, while at a stop light. I made mistake at looking at him first, I kinda laugh because he was looking at me. Some woman was in drive steat and he was passaged seat. I hear a pop on my window, I saw point look a gun, but I had orange thing at the end. When the light turn green I drove away a immediately, they sped up behind me and drove he was scream out the window.

Thank god I was able to remind calm, I can’t fight back in those situations, I could gotten my ass kick. I don’t why the drive let him be an asshole, I kinda wanna say “cute gun” or “ having a toy do not make you gangster” or “ sorry you have a tiny dick your prick”.

I had intrusive thought of this guy through the week. If he gotten out the car, I would have run him over, I felt my life would have been threaten. It fuck up ti say, but that guy is fucking peice of shit. Fuck his partner too, why did she allow him to act like that .

Like I understand people in Lowell don’t group in best environment, but it not my fault you life sucks. I did not hurt you little ego, if your really that tough, while do you give shit about me laughing at you bitch. What you did shit to woman, or an old person. It would be funny you did to a cop, yeah that what should had happen.

Shit man I hate getting into a dark place like this, honestly it making me reflect, how my action made other people feel unsafe, that I regret making other feel scare because of me.

That guy was lucky he did not pull that toy to wrong person. People like him are reason why, I have to afraid that go into cities or my parent get paranoid of me going out or that fuck shit happen .

Sorry guy I hope this upset, I’m trying to keep my cool but it hard.


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