Sometimes news is good news

To those who’ve seen my last post ,
Ive been talking to one of the two guys i have mentioned . One of them i have gotten alittle more close to then the other . I will be planning on telling the other dude about the guy i am talking to when i get enough courage to do so . and hopefully nothing changes within the friendship aspect if it does we will see how it goes .

Any who , i am very proud of myself for this . this might not be an ordinary post you may see from me but . I have been very open to the guy about my past and my trauma and he’s been very accepting of me and what i have been through . I know here and their we have talked about him and how he is especially of him and his situation .
Something i really hope to is be uplifting for eachother , be each others shoulder to cry on when we have had a rough day . Another thing is that i have been open to tell him about my family situation and how i dont feel comfortable with him meeting my father if 1. we ever started dating 2. if he comes down to me and visits. The only reason why is because of my fathers actions from November 13th 2021 ? ( dont remember the exact year).

One last thing is that i somewhat opened up to him about my self harm which ill be 5 years clean december 12th .
Any who im super proud of me for being so vulnerable with me being open . I hope this continues with him so he knows how i am and what my struggles are.

  • Ashley

Hey @all_around_ashley,

You better be proud of yourself, indeed! Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to open up about your fears, your struggles and worries is such a huge mark of trust. I’m grateful that you feel safe enough with this person to share things that are very close to your heart. You definitely took a major step there, a very significant one. Well done, friend. :hrtlegolove:

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Hello Ashley,
be proud of yourself, we are. I am proud of you.
These are very good news. To share, being open to others shows a lot of strengths, as you show yourself
“naked”, express your feelings and vulnerability. It took me also a lot of strength when i did it first, i was
extremely nervous, stuttered and pinched myself. Also i cried when i was getting to emotionely.
Thank you for sharing good news. you amazing progress.
I wish you a wonderful day and feel hugged my friend, :purple_heart:

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