Sorry to be away from Stream and Forum

I just wanted to say sorry to you all for not coming on the HS Stream for some time; also for not posting and replying in the forum very often…

I find reading some posts get my depressed and/or angry, so I am just working on myself for now…

If I see a post where I think I can help someone, I’ll reply, but it won’t be very often…

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It’s okay! Take care of yourself first. Stay strong :two_hearts:

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You take care of you! Still stop by if you need some help. :slight_smile:

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sometimes you need to take time for yourself to re-energize. I’m a intern at HS even I need time to take a break. We all do sometimes so do not feel bad for needing to focus on yourself. You are loved no matter what.

Hold Fast.
Morgan Hochstetler
HS Intern

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Thank you, gals and guys

It’s important to look out for yourself. You are not obligated to respond to the wall of you don’t want to or can’t.

It’s meant to be here to help. So don’t apologize if for you, it brings you down. There’s a lot of hurt on these forums and it can be overwhelming sometimes. I often make responses but then have to take a break for a week or two.

Take the time you need. We’re here for you when you’re ready.

You’re okay. Be well my friend

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I am really upset, annoyed and angry with myself. Some weeks my self-control is good, but other weeks and days, it is pathetic and I give in to my addiction far too easily, making excuses for myself and justifying it in my head. I end up in a cycle of temporary release and pleasure, to even worse chronic mental fatigue, guilt and worry. I know my current specific circumstances mean I am starved of affection and intimacy, but most other people do not try to cope this way. It’s just not logical or helpful, but I can’t seem to break the habit for more than a few days or weeks!

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