Strong signs of bdd?

A friend of mine talked about having potential bdd(Body Dysmorphic Disorder) so I looked into it as well. I’ve always been extremely insecure about my stomach area, my thighs and my nose. My nose is literally just an ugly, straight one. I recorded a video earlier, where I looked to the side at one point and it just looked so ugly, I wanted to delete it right away. I cannot stop thinking about how I look; I constantly check my figure in the mirror or in anything that reflects, I change clothes the moment, I think I look too fat(If I have the opportunity to, if not I will most likely cry), I suck in my stomach every time, people are around, I get disgusted by how my side profile looks, I delete every picture where you can see my nose or where my stomach looks too fat.
I don’t wanna have another mental illness. I don’t need more problems. Depression, social- and conflict anxiety are enough. I don’t need more.



Please, don’t call yourself ugly. You are beautiful. Everyone has insecurities. I have insecurities too. However, I remind myself I am worthy. You are too. Do your best to love yourself. I hope you will feel better. Thank you for sharing your struggles. God loves you.

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