@Heartsupportwall Thank you for the love and generosity. I truly deal with PTSD from abuse from my childhood, I deal with anxiety on a daily basis and manic depressive episodescomes and go. I struggle with knowing if the way I see the world, negativily affects me in my working life, social life. I struggle to see if my problems are “worthy” of people or professionals attention. Worrying that professionals don’t actually care about me they just go for the money. I don’t know, it can all be very overwhelming
No no no wait, stop, pause, cut!! You are soooo WORTHY of Help. All the help. You’re a human with a heart, we’re here. All my silliness aside, we are here for you, and professionals can be as well, eventually you can find one who you connect with, and know they care.
For now, just opening up is such a huge step. and I, for one, am very impressed with your courage. It cannot be easy dealing with PTSD, and you might need some professional perspectives to help you get through it. You are not alone in this. We are the results of our childhoods and carry scars and traumas that can be dealt with, given time, ressources, and grace for yourself. I have seen some amazing recoveries in my life, people you would never believe could get through it all.
How do you see the world? Can your world change to fit the view? I see a very intelligent person in your words, and worthy of Love, care, time and healing.
Life can be overwhelming, yes. But you don’t have to be alone on your road.
You are absolutely worthy of others attention, including professionals. With them, it may be a contractual relationship, it is still something they dedicate their life to because they made the choice of doing so. It speaks about their personal commitment and care! And if you happen to meet one who is objectively unsafe and dismissive, then you are ABSOLUTELY allowed to go see somewhere else. Because it is about YOU, your recovery and your needs. Childhood trauma can leave a lifelong effect on us and it often manifests through relationships. Which is also why it is mostly through relationships, but safe ones, that we can also learn to heal and embrace out own worth. My own childhood traumas has made an adult who is afraid to take up space, to be seen, to have their needs asserted. It makes it very difficult to see and understand that I am worthy of others love and care. That I don’t need to be self-reliant anymore. Learning this takes time and is made of many setbacks but it is possible! Dare to keep challenging the lies that were ingrained in your mind wen you were young. The thoughts that tell you that you are not worthy or good enough are not deserving of your attention and your heart. You can do this, friend. Hold Fast.