Struggling with anxiety tonight

Journaling - I find if I write, I feel a little better so here I go. Fingers crossed.

Tonight I am a trembling mess. It all happened so fast. One minute I’m playing a game and laughing, but the next I’m overcome with a wave of anxiety and intense panic.

All I did was pick up my phone. Scroll through a couple Reddit threads. And there’s one that catches my eye, and it’s just his first name. And that is all it took for me to turn into that person that I don’t want to be. I instantly felt scared and like I needed to run away. I tried to get up and distract myself with something else but nothing seems to work. I can’t get my mind off of it and I just can’t stand this feeling.

I’m lying in bed now. Husband has gone to work. I wish he wouldn’t work nights, especially on nights like these. Dealing with this crap in my head on my own is scary. Flashes of shit that I went through all those years ago. Ugh! I wish my husband was here to calm me. But he’s not and I’m just laying here still; Wide awake and panicky. Grounding usually works. The sound of rain usually works. But not tonight. Heart is racing. I’m so so tempted to get up and turn to substances to help me calm down but I’m refusing. It’s so hard. Because I know it will provide the relief I want but won’t help me in the long run… I can’t be dependent on that crap. I need to feel and work through this.

I am dying for some relief though. I just want to sleep. I was doing so well, happier, healthier, more talkative, cooking more, keeping up on the chores and stuff. It was like i had broken out of the bonds of my depressive episode and was well on my way to healing and happiness. And with one freaking word it’s all shattered.

Feeling like I’m backsliding; like I’m watching myself deteriorate again in slow motion but having no idea how to stop it.


hug one of your husband’s sweaters or shirts, and not that he’s with you even if he’s at work, the love is still there.

You’ve been fighting and winning against all of this. it’s not backsliding if you can write about it, if you can see the urges and consciously fight against them AND know why they’re not the best solutions for coping. You’re doing well!

Keep strong friend! Keep writing more if it helps to get it out!
We’re here listening and cheering you on.


Dear @Hiraeth,

Your healing and efforts are not wasted, friend. You have been triggered. Even if your body/mind response is quick, hat is not the reflection of your progress or strength. Triggers like these catch us by surprise and we are never to blame for it.

I hear what you say when you mention not wanting to feel like being “this person” again - the victim, the human being who’s afraid and hurting. But it is okay if this part of your heart manifests itself today. You are not weak. You are not defeated. You are not broken. These moments of being triggered and hurting don’t define you.

I am so freaking proud of you for coming here, writing all of this, also acknowledging that using old coping mechanisms isn’t going to serve you. I see your beauty. I see your courage. I see your strength, even if it is one you never asked to have.

Right here, right now, you are safe. They’re not hurting you. They are away from you. Look around you, see the place you live in, all the objects. Name them if you want, describe them as much as you can. You are in the present moment. You are inspiring the love and safety that are present, as much as you expire and let go of all the hurt of the past.

You will be okay. Thinking of you and hoping that you can catch some sleep tonight. :hrtlegolove:


Sending plenty of friendly and peaceful thoughts your way, @Hiraeth. (Not a way to say that you’d need to respond, no worries!)

You’re loved. :hrtlegolove:


Sorry it took me so long to respond to this, but I just wanted to say thank you for reaching out. My anxiety/depression seems to be ramping up in full force lately and its way worse when I’m alone. I ended up adding his cologne to my pillow and it seemed to help me sleep.
I think I’m going to take a stuffed animal and put one of his shirts on it and sleep with that at night lol. I’m going on 30 and thinking about sleeping with a stuffed animal. Is that weird? haha
Anyway, thanks again. I really appreciate your advice and support <3


hiya! :smiley:
absolutely nothing is weird about that!

Hoping that it helped you to feel a bit more secure!

How are you doing now, friend? <3


Hello good friend - it is so nice to hear from you again. I hope you are well. <3
Thank you so much for always knowing just what to say to help calm my heart and mind. Your words speak to my soul and help me in ways that I can’t even put into words. I am thankful for you.

I know you don’t mind if I don’t respond but to be honest I am just the worst at responding, even with texting my friends or family. Its just hard for me to communicate and put into words what I’m feeling or thinking so anyway, please forgive me for my silence for the past few days. In the middle of me typing a reply to you, I keep getting distracted.

Anyways… My anxiety goes through the roof pretty much every night lately, way worse than it ever is throughout the day. I know its because I’m winding down and finally able to THINK, even if the things I end up thinking about are not good for me. My days are such a whirlwind with work being crazy so throughout the day I can typically keep it together but at night when I don’t have to do anything or focus on anything, that’s when it really takes a toll. I used to be able to take off into the woods and hike until the sun sets and usually being in nature helped to quiet the mind but lately I have like an hour after I get off work before the sun sets and its like… 5 degrees F most days here so its tough to get out, embrace the cold and hike. Just feeling lately like I don’t really have that release so instead it just gets built up and explodes.

Sorry, I get to writing about what I’m feeling and totally type out walls of texts when I don’t mean to. Anyway, thank you again for your help throughout my time here. You and @Sita have been amazing. <3


I know you don’t mind if I don’t respond but to be honest I am just the worst at responding, even with texting my friends or family. Its just hard for me to communicate and put into words what I’m feeling or thinking so anyway, please forgive me for my silence for the past few days. In the middle of me typing a reply to you, I keep getting distracted.

Hey, no worries. Indeed, I don’t mind! I absolutely love hearing updates from you. But I will not stand behind the computer screen just to point fingers out at you if you don’t reply. Taking what you need is all that matters, really.

As for being bad at responding, I get it. It’s probably one of the most frustrating things that my depression/anxiety takes from me. I feel like a bad person for not responding immediately - then forgetting, or thinking about it randomly but still not doing it right away. As you see… that’s what happened with my response here.

Let’s be okay with responding when we can and how we can. Once I have told to a dear friend here that we could see it as a kind of correspondence. Even if it happens online, it doesn’t have to be subjected to the rules of immediacy. It can be a lot slower. We know that we both care, and it’s all that matters. :hrtlegolove:

It’s also more than understandable to keep getting distracted while talking about things that are difficult. Whether it’s life happening or just our mind that needs to escape, it’s just what happens sometimes. Posting around here can require a lot of mental energy. It’s okay to take your time, always.

My days are such a whirlwind with work being crazy so throughout the day I can typically keep it together but at night when I don’t have to do anything or focus on anything, that’s when it really takes a toll.

Yes, work can be such a blessing but also a vicious cycle. I have started to work a limited amount of hours again and I can see that happening. Weekends are tough! Somehow it’s good to have a limited hours otherwise I feel like I would jump into the work that needs to be done mindlessly, and burn myself out once again.

You and I have this need in common, the need of escaping from ourselves by putting ourselves out there into things that are external. It’s a human way to react, but it is still for the most part a reaction, and one can’t live for their entire life outside of themselves. There is for sure, a fine balance to create during your evenings to not be completely subjected to your thoughts (it needs to be approached carefully), but also to not completely avoid it either.

I don’t know if this would speak to you, but it reminds me of the explanation of the four trauma responses by Pete Walker, for people struggling with Complex-PTSD (it refers to childhood, but actually applies to repeated traumas that stem from relationships): Link

I used to be able to take off into the woods and hike until the sun sets and usually being in nature helped to quiet the mind but lately I have like an hour after I get off work before the sun sets and its like… 5 degrees F most days here so its tough to get out, embrace the cold and hike. Just feeling lately like I don’t really have that release so instead it just gets built up and explodes.

Do you think that this could be replaced by an indoor activity during winter? With covid/lockdowns, there’s been more initiatives provided to exercise at home without needing a lot of equipment. Even online courses provided by gyms centers. Of course it’s definitely not the same as running… not the same sensations and stillness. But as for finding something to have that release, maybe it could be worth it to look after a new type of exercise, one that would be indoors?

On a side note, it might be interesting to combine your evenings with a relaxing routine. Basically, instead of going to bed and fearing that moment, you plan do before an activity that tends to be relaxing to you and not too distracting, with the intention of connecting with yourself. Kind of getting to decide that you choose to meet yourself at a given time. Of course it could still be difficult afterwards, at night, but practicing intentional meetings with yourself like these can help you regain a sense of control over time. Could it be something close to meditation, reading, listening to some music passively, stretching your body, etc. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. But at least minutes when you say: now I decide to explore within, to give my mind some free time, and to acknowledge what’s happening there.

PS - You are always welcome to send walls of text, and even more to express how you feel.

Sending love your way. :hrtlegolove:


just chipping in that an evening/night routine is a solid idea, and I love hearing from you. Wall of texts where you express yourself? YES PLEASE! Hope it helps you to get the feelings out via words, friends!

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There is so much about your reply that I am thankful for. Thank you for always knowing what to say.

Its interesting that you linked that article for CPSTD - I actually “self-diagnosed” myself with that a few years ago as I seemed to relate to it more than anything else I read about. It has definitely been eye-opening, learning more about it. I’m don’t relate so much to the Fight column but the other three, Flight, Freeze & Fawn, are all so freakin’ relatable. It’s creepy.

I really appreciate you taking the time to provide me some ideas on how to make my nighttime routine more relaxing. To be honest, I’m not doing so hot with making any crazy changes so I need to work on that still. I’ve definitely cut down on my alcohol consumption majorly and most nights I don’t even drink anymore which is quite shocking. But I am doing poorly with the edibles. I am still taking a gummy or two depending on how I am feeling at night… I know I shouldn’t. It may be wrong to view it this way, but I feel like taking a gummy is way better than drinking alcohol? Except its not legal here so if I ever get tested I will probably fail and lose my job so there’s that… But this job is giving me anxiety anyway so even if they do cut me loose, maybe it’ll be a blessing in disguise…? I don’t know. I’m just trying to keep my mood afloat lol… ugh

At night I’ve been listening to while I sleep and it seems to help with the nightmares that I experience. It instantly calms me and I slowly drift off to sleep now rather than stare into nothingness and relive memories until my anxiety peaks… But I think I’m doing better, overall.

I hope you are doing well. As always, I am very thankful for your advice and really appreciate you always reaching out to check in on me. Its greatly appreciated and you have no idea how grateful I am for you and the heart support community as a whole. You all have helped me so much more than I ever could have imagined.

Wish you the absolute best. Hope you have a great week :heart:

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