Struggling with grief and wanting to go on


Hi @Nics Wanted to check up on you and see how you’re doing. Have you tried watching any of the Heart Support streams? There a lot of us from here that hang out and chat. We’d love to meet you. I hope everything is going ok for you. ~Mystrose


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hello, Nics! I’ve just seen your post for the first time. I’m so sorry for your loss :hrtlegolove:

How have you been doing? Have you managed to find some friends to brighten your life and put a bit of colour back in it? Have you been on the HS streams on Twitch? I hope to see you in there sometime.

Please let us know how your life has been since you last posted. We would love to hear from you again. :hrtlegolove: Hope to see you around, friend :hrtlegolove:


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