Thank you for sharing that about brain function it

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Belongs to: Therapist is Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park
Thank you for sharing that about brain function. It explains a lot in my life… I was bullied vehemently when I was in elementary school. I have since forgiven, but I can’t seem to “let it go,” for lack of a better way to describe it. I often still feel like that heavily ridiculed, often beat down kid… and I’m not certain about specific things it has prevented in my life, but I can tell you that I’ve always lived without confidence in myself… perhaps that’s it.

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Honestly opening up about what you been through is definitely important as well.

Sometimes memories of past experiences are hard to get out of your head even though we forgive them doesn’t mean we forget. Same with bullying we sometimes don’t know the reason of the bully doing these things to us. We all are not certain for another person or things come knocking on our door. You’re not alone in being bullied and we are always here for you. Continue to progress through this and be easy on yourself we don’t all the time know these things and the other person who also bullied could be going through something as well. Forgiveness is also a great thing you mention just got to not put yourself down just gotta push through this past situation.

Be easy on yourself and keep pulling through this you got this.