The_CasualHero Fan #2

Having relationship problems I have been in a relationship for a year and a half and she is keeping a lot from me I am unsure what to do at the time. Should I let go


Hey friend,

I’m glad that you took the time to reach out on the wall. I’m really sorry to hear about your relationship. It’s hard when it feels like those that we are with, keep things from us. I think the best thing you could do is to gently reach out to your partner. Sit them down and calmly talk about how you are feeling and why those feelings are there. Be open to them, value their feelings, hear them and just try to share your heart. See what they and if there is a way you guys can work on that together. But do it at a time that you have a clear mind and calm. Its easier to receive feelings when things are not intense or angry.

Communication is so important.

I truly hope that things get better for you. You are more than welcome to share your heart here and talk about it.

I have been trying to talk to her for awhile but she always brushes me off like it is nothing

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Man, that really sucks. Hard to talk and carry a relationship if your partner isn’t willing to listen. From there, again, trying to talk to her and express your concern for the relationship and what you need for it to be successful. Communication is important and it takes two people to make that work. Maybe ask her what she feels needs to take place to help better communicate. Or ask what she is feeling that is causing her to be distant about things.

I know that’s hard when you have tried talking to her already.

I have had to reach out to previous relationships and tell them flat out that the relationship needed the communication in order to work. That I needed them to be willing to work with me. Sadly if they aren’t willing to do that, it makes it hard to keep the relationship healthy ):

Again, I’m really sorry friend. I hope she will listen and be open to your heart