Therapist Cry's While Listening to Wings of Maria Pt 1 and 2 by Tool

I always get Donte’s Inferno vibes from this song

I would LOVE to see your reactions to Blue October, “Hate Me”

I’m just a simple, thumbing up when I hear tool

Sorry I’m late but I’m too lazy to go back and read comments but next in line should be A Perfect Circle Judith.

When he sings You’re the only one who can hold your head up high Shake your fists at the gates, saying “I have come home now Fetch me the spirit, the son, and the father Tell them their pillar of faith has ascended It’s time now, my time now Give me my, give me my wings” it almost always makes me fight back tears. I have no idea why.

All mothers save their sons like Judith did…if they’re good parents. #MaynardApproves

It’s impossible not to cry listening to the triad dedicated to Judith Marie :broken_heart:

Tool has helped me through a lot but Im to a point now it doesn’t help. I can no longer find joy even in what was my favorite things. I hope if you struggle like me you have someone to talk to before the light in you fades completely and you watch yourself become something else, hollow and longing for a love as strong as the one you give. If you give your all be sure to save just a little at least for yourself.

Your tears are not shed alone, and not alone shed, as we all have shed them, in our human condition, our connection of pain, grief, and honor and love to those we hold dear. Lending us to realize how precious, fragile, and finite life really is.

There was a flash of a half second change between 2:38 and 2:39. Almost like a flashback, or an image revealing itself in time. I am assuming it was editing, but it was right as you tilted your head, almost as if a a glimpse of mind had occurred. It almost reminded me of fight club, but deeper in meaning, if not Irony. Then again at 10:16 to 10:17. It’s a premonition of the calm. Or it’s just editing. But it lends itself to something interesting. And yet again at 12:37… As if there was a glitch in the video at pivotal points in your reaction. It may be nothing but editing, but it’s haunting, yet reminiscing.

Lmao when she paused it and cried after “10,000 days in the fire is long enough, you’re going home”
I feel pretty bad because she tried to collect herself and immediately after gets hit with the stanza that can drop a man to his knees

Please do Beware of darkness-All who remain

My girlfriend died on March, she was only 27 years old, i showed her this song literally weeks before she died​:cry::cry:

I love how this song has helped you. It made me a bit emotional.

tears … they come easily when listening to this masterpiece

1st I just want to say I love the Stevie Nicks vibe you got going with that fit, very cool. 2nd, I am sure when you did your research about Maynard’s mother, you came across the song Judith by one of his other bands A Perfect Circle. I really hope you react to it sometime. While these 2 songs are a beautiful audio phonic panegyric from Maynard about his mother, he had to go through a much darker place to get here. Judith is so powerful and raw and when you know the meaning of why he is feeling those emotions it just make the whole thing even that much more powerful when you hear it.

never took a life but surely saved one

Now listen to ‘The Teacher’ by Foo Fighters.

Definitely as others said Judith ( A Perfect Circle) got the anger. Great song too.

In away his mother saved many life’s