Therapist experiences PinkFloyd for the first time. (Comfortably Numb)

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Therapist analyzes the lyrics to Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd to discuss how numbness always points to a problem. Most people think numbness is the solution to their problems but it’s actually just evidence there is a problem.


I know most people will point to this as the best version of this song becauae of the solo, which I understand. But the Live 8 performance (the very last Floyd performance ever) will always be at the top of my list

This song needs to be seen and listened to in the context of Pink Floyd’s “The Wall”. It falls within the aspects of isolation and removing yourself from all the pain in life, self medicating to not feel anything.

Nooooo, always do the studio version first.
No Roger Waters, no Pink Floyd.

David Gilmour at his best, nuff said…

I was asking me why this song was not on this channel … it’s done

I’d be very interested in your thoughts on the rest of the wall, a full album is a big ask but Hey You would be a good next track. Also you have to do some Radiohead!

Love the reaction…you should do NF hate myself… I know you did let you down just the other day

Love the reactions you should give Ginkgo Biloba by lee scott a listen :notes:

David Gilmour is a guitar god.

The album dark side of the Moon and the Wall are so seamless with the song transitions it makes for a great full listen to in one sitting as all the songs blend into each other to make one massive statement

This band was way ahead of its time. GOAT. Meaningful deep lyrics, incredible musicianship, amazing album experience. More Floyd. :crossed_fingers::v:

I’m ready for the best reaction to this solo.

I want a mirror ball like Pink Floyd’s in my man cave. :crossed_fingers::v:

Between Tool and Pink Floyd, you’ve opened an extremely deep rabbit hole. Can’t wait for more. Keep it up! :heart:

I loved your reaction to this classic. The Pulse concert has the best guitar solo of all time. :smile:

Congratulations for not interrupting this epic guitar solo!

My initial reaction to seeing the title of the video was, “Oh lady, are you OK”. But then I saw it was the Pulse (live) version and was relieved. This is a great version, but it doesn’t hit that same as the original. While I did enjoy seeing the extended solo in concert (on this tour), IMO it runs on too long. Although I understand that this was done to accompany the spectacle of the giant disco ball opening up and bathing the arena in swirling light that matched the music in the most magical ways.


visually this a good version but without Roger it kinda misses the mark in terms of what was originally intended… when they did this in 1980 live they built a wall across the whole stage of giant white cardboard bricks that were song by song being assembled across the entire stage until the intermission when the entire stage was completely covered in bricks from top to bottom ,left to right of stage. This song is the culmination of that wall as Roger sings to the person behind the wall in a white doctors lab coat “hello is there anybody in there…” and then David appears at the top of the wall singing “There is no pain you are receeding…” as he rips into his guitar solo atop the wall that has just been constructed in front of you. Its a spectacular moment unfortunately the Kodak film stock that was used to record it was not great and the lighting needed to be better … that being said its sill one of the greatest live shows ever put on and was the blueprint for many live shows

On the bright side, she got experience the greatest guitar solo of all time