Therapist makes a wish by Jambi -Tool

U should watch it

A Perfect Circle-Judith​:black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

I love that every time that people try to catch the beat on this song for the first time at some point they look like malfunctioning robots.

i’ve always felt this song is about not letting yourself split or dividing yourself for things that don’t matter to your inner peace.

I absolutely love hearing your analysis of all these various artists, especially Tool. The fresh perspective gives me a new way to think about things and it feels like hearing these songs for the first time again, and honestly, it’s helped me get through some rough patches and “bad brain” days, so thank you :heart:
Also… please please please check out “Push It” by Tool, specifically this live version from the Salival album -
I’m really curious to hear your thoughts on that one! Thank you again for doing what you do.

Should do all the songs about his mom before wings and 10,000 days

One of my favorite songs is Right in two.

Judith passed on June 18th 2003.

Wooooorst pause eveeeeer…

A dedication to a loved one. The sacrifice one makes for the loved. Giving it all up to spend time with the loved one. Jambi was the name of the genie in Pee-wee’s Playhouse. A wish.

“Suffering is grace, not that you would wish it on someone, but when it comes to you you work with it.”

Serj Tankian - Justice Will Shine On
Brand new (by the singer of SOAD)
If you want to be modern?

The song is mostly in a very awkward 9/8 time signature so don’t feel bad for not picking up the beat the first time around.

Love your tool reactions! Now that you bring up Maynard’s mom, you should listen to wings for Marie and 10,000 days together!! Beautiful songs

Good summation on this song.
I’m not good at interpreting song lyrics, especially with Tool song lyrics.
I was always more impressed with how heavy musically the song was.(I love the heavy, what can I say?)
But your interpretation made absolute sense.
Be the light.

re: “Thoughts and prayers”
I went to catholic school K-8th but “saw the light” of REALITY in 6th grade science class learning about the dinosaurs. (granted, I never did latch onto religion even before that)
So what bothers ME about that sentiment is that these people DO believe and don’t realize that never does their thoughts or prayers ever. make. any. difference. So the sentiment feels EXTRA hollow. They’re unwilling to put in any effort because… if they pray, then their god is going to handle it for them. :face_exhaling::man_facepalming:

At least when someone says “I’m so sorry.” it’s usually followed up with “is there anything I can do?” But even when it isn’t, they’re recognizing that things are kind of out of their control TO help, but they would if they could. Whereas the former’s sentiments sell to always give off the vibe of “he’s got this, and even if there’s something I could do, I shouldn’t mettle in his plans…”

Or maybe I’m just jaded, and after 41 years of being surrounded by ‘believers’, I’m extra sensitive to their sentiments… :man_shrugging::sweat_smile:
I’m fine with that, if so.

My dad’s side every couple years, come stay with us at our cabin. About 10 years back my aunt heard what I was listening too, the first two albums of Maynard’s other-OTHER band Puscifer. (dad’s side us also religious, but less so than mom’s)
So I have her both albums because she liked them…

8mo later we went back home because my other uncle (her bro) was saying his goodbyes, having lost the battle with lung/brain cancer. At his benefit that aunt came up to me and said she was worried about me… Because after listening to the albums more closely, she was concerned with the lyrics. :smirk:
Even my MOM likes Puscifer, so when I told her about it later on, we both chuckled about that.

I hold some Nine Inch Nails songs sentimentally close, but ordinarily I don’t pay much attention to the lyrics, even when I’ve memorized them… The vocalist is just another instrument in the band as far as I’m concerned; a fact I conveyed to my dad in my early teens when he said the only reason I enjoy my music is “due to the swearing.”

That’s why I appreciate having found this channel, as it gives me the opportunity to hear about the potential meaning in the songs I’ve long enjoyed.
:blush: :heart:


Every song has a different interpretation to anyone listening. That’s the magic of Tool , it means what ever it makes you feel.

Love your reactions: if you really want a mindblow, try doing an entire album! If you piece together each of the songs as a full kind of ‘story’ or ‘essay’ you find a whole new level of wtf! Start with all of Lateralus but definitely do Fear Inoculum!

Potions from puscifer. A mix of nine inch nails and tool Maynards side project

Please listen to Wings for Marie, Pt. 1 and 10000 days (wings pt 2)