Third Eye next…
Dicki Underpass…
Janis Island…
In order to leave the shallow end, one must learn how to swim…
Push It live from the salival album. You’ll be blown away
You clearly need more insight on Maynard James Keenan……highly intelligent and gifted in more ways than musically, read about him in more detail. There’s no woman that would ever break Maynard, actually watch interviews of him and get it straight from him about his music and its meanings.
you had one job… uncensored… come on… XD
Larue Meadows…
Douglas Stravenue…
Rachel Corner…
Volkman Summit…
Jamil Court…
you should REALLY see them live…RIP Bill HIcks…
Honestly mother nature has wiped 99% of all species that has ever called earth home of its face. It constantly tries to kill us. Lol
Censorship is such a weird concept. Who said and where is it written these abominations of language can’t be spoken? It’s letters that form syllables that become words. The F word should be the Pinnacle of literature. It is the only word I know that can be a noun, verb, adjective… I think profanity should be re assigned as words directly meant to hurt someone. (All opinions
Arizona Bay! Also, Bill Hicks is amazing! I’m sure he’s not a fan of the record industry out there.
This is more meta than my brain can handle.
I’m not even sure it is…
Farrell Fork…
Eulogy, check that one out
And to be honest, for every good person, there are like 10 crappie people in California ( LA )