Therapist reacts to Dragula by Rob Zombie

As much as I like Jason Momoa, I gotta say Rob Zombie as Lobo would be a better choice. I assume James Gunn watches your channel and will see this.

Dig through the ditches= keep working hard
Burn through the witches= fight your demons
And slam in the back of my dragula= spend time with friends

Mental health advice hidden behind a driving instrumental and freaky visuals!

Thats so crazy, I’ve always felt like this song meant to keep on pushing and going. Dig through the ditches, dig in and push through those low times, the hard shit. Burn through the witches, ignore all the negative people telling you you can’t do whatever it is. Slam in the back of my dragula, turn all your negatives around and instead of holding you back fuel your fire to overcome all doubt.

the image of Rob Zombie headbanging with the devil in the car from the Munsters a la Night at the Roxbury never ceases to make me giggle

Being scared of Beetlejuice is like running away from kittens. Do you know what scared me as a child… NOTHING. Once your father tried to kill you when you were a toddler nothing scares you

Thunder Kiss '65 is my fav Zombie song. Ok Ok, it isnt Rob Zombie, it was his first band with his brother, White Zombie. But 2 of my favorite mental health songs are both by Metallica: Nothing Else Matters and Damage, INC. The first one is soft and mellow, the second one is pure scream therapy. Yeah baby!!

A Rob Zombie concert is so much fun!

I know when i was younger, i would put on Rob Zombie or Rammstein when i was angry as a release of my anger. Today, it is harder for me to work through.

mfw i realize rob zombie is club music

Katatonia - Old Hearts Fall

I wish she was my therapist :upside_down_face:

…You just turned a Stupid Song into something Very Inspiring. I Thank You for thst.

if there was ever a therapist in real life…

Two Lane Blacktop by them really an underrated & underappreciated hidden gem :gem::cry:

Funny how she makes this cute. I was hated on for this in 3rd grade when it came out :joy:

I’ve got one for ya . Pink Floyd High Hopes . It might make you cry . Really.

He’s like the nicest dude ever lol :metal:

This music is so classic and its anoyying to see you think tis brand new.

You should listen to marlin Manson

I have loved zombie my hole life his meusic has got me through some hard stuff I am so excited that I get to see him live this August