i could TOTALLY see you at a Tool concert dancing away up front!!! total cutie just lost in the incredible music that IS Tool!!!
One of my all-time favorites, it’s so cathartic and hopeful. I understood what ‘shadow’ meant in the song, but not the 46 and 2 piece. You really tied it all together nicely.
many think that this song is inspired by jung because the shadow. but its more like what nietszche. go beyond human and become ubermench. beyond good and evil… rules of morality falls apart here… so "i choose to lie, kill, die, lern love and do whatever it takes to step through and become something more than human. because human is a bridge between animal and ubermench. nietszche clearly said, once we were worms and then we became ape and now we are more of an ape than ever… but dont look back is not the evolotion. going down is… when you cant live with your self so you evolve. you must go down in your shadow…
Go get ‘em girl…
*We currently have 46 chromosomes.
OK, I really want you to listen to Hotel California and tell us what you THINK your interpretation of that song is
people have 46 chromosomes. The +2 is the next level. I think you dropped the sex chromosomes.
I’ve been listening to this song since the album was released, always been one of my favorites. I never really thought that much about the lyrics and now that you’ve broken them down I’m in tears. My wife has told me before that I should go get therapy to deal with my past. I survived severe physical and psychological abuse at the hands of my mother’s third husband between the ages of 10 and 13. I’ve manages to block a lot of it out, and the rest I keep buried in a box in my metaphorical back yard. I’ve evolved from just blaming him to understanding that she stood by and watched it all happen. Although I don’t live with any hate in my heart towards them, I don’t have a relationship with them anymore and we rarely speak. She’s seen my kids, who are 23 and 21, exactly twice int their lives. They are her only grandchildren and since my sister is married to a woman, they’re the only ones she will ever have, but they are as unimportant to her as my sister and I were, apparently. Somehow at age 53 I’m emotionally stable and have created a life with my spouse that I always wanted. Sometimes my shadow, that’s locked in that box, tries to crawl up out of the ground like a zombie when I least expect it and it will send me reeling for a bit. Then I jump up and down on it and throw some more dirt on it. I’ve told my wife that I’m afraid of going to therapy, of trying to walk through that shadow, because I’m afraid of how it might change me. What if I come out of it totally screwed up? What if they tell me the only reason I married my wife is because of mommy issues? What if they told me I’ve gotten it all wrong and I need to go back and start everything over? I feel like as long as I keep that shadow buried I’ll be able to continue on with the people I love, living the way I want to live. I guess file this under C for coping.
Were we Jungians? We are now! The O’Keefe Foundation covers this, with children. And it is amazing!
I absolutely love your energy. Wish you all the best and keep on with your support. Grateful for people like you out there trying to make a difference.
Maynard should qualify as a Mensa. Incredible
Ummm….no. Humans have 46 chromosomes NOW. Yes, it’s a nod to an evolving paired set up.
An additional 2 chromosomes. Maynard hints at himself as humanity crawling along, possibly doing shadow “work” to move into this POSSIBLY more intelligent state of genetic pairings.
As someone who probably needs a therapist I think trying to analyze someone like maynard, who is probably far smarter, well read and knowledgeable then anyone who would think they could analyze him.
Listening to you review and I must say, “That’s deep,”. Steeping into my shadow is insightful indeed. However, that aspect of the song reminded me of the Law of Thermodynamics [No. 2] pertaining to Entropy, the breaking down of one thing to create another. I think in my old Masonic alchemy days, it was represented from the Latin phrase, Igne Natura Renovatur Integra”meaning, “All of nature renewed by Fire”. This review certainly had me reflecting. I love it! Thank you for the post, you Rock!
Yung, Yung, and Yung! Awesome you actually mention his teachings
You really Bob and weave when you rock out
I just feel overwhelmed and really depressed.
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