Therapist reacts to Happy? by Mudvayne

Metal gives one two beautiful experiences…to plug in, to the rhythm with your own vibes & let go…& the lyrics are able to trigger emotions and present you the writers mind set & state in prosa or raw pictures. Music is a train that can pick you up anywhere, it can take you anywhere & even if you ride it, you’re never in charge, but the journey is worth letting go

As someone else pointed out, it is pretty interesting to see how therapists actually “get” metal music. Sometimes aggressive music is the perfect way to work stuff out.

I’ve never believed in therapy or their Practices I’ve always felt they just hands in the cookie jar I know that’s just me soooo don’t come at me my demons love me that’s all I can say no one can help me but but having said that I would go to this therapist she’s one of us the broken toys of the world the Discarded the hated
So you can hate me I’m used to it soooo don’t worry about hurting my feelings with you negative I have no feeling anymore I’m not a person I’m a monster