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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to BLACK by PearlJam
This is my life!!! Been dealing with my divorce after 18 years for 3 years now. Still can’t move forward for some reason. She’s remarried with the guy she cheated with. Sold our home we built. Forced me to be a part time dad, only seeing my kids every other week. They are thriving together. Life “seems” amazing for her now. And I am struggling just to BE everyday! I lost my wife, my family, my home, our friends and everything I worked hard for. She took it. And she’s the one that stepped out!!! I am so angry!! I’m falling at every step. Each day brings another pain or hardship. I cry everyday over the smallest sh*t. I hate happy people. I love love…. And now seeing love stories I just get mad. I can’t see ever loving like I loved her again! I have gone black with her. No contact, no pictures, no belongings. Nothing!! But I can’t erase the memories. The songs on the radio. The vision of her in my kids faces. Or the fact that I bump into her and them on a regular basis. I’ve tried therapy, meds, everything…… and I’m still in the same space I was the day I found out. I honestly hate waking up everyday. But I do that for my kids. One is in college, the other 14. I don’t know what I’m going to do when they are both gone living their lives. I no longer anything. All my interests have just left me. I’m sick to death of loving someone with my whole being that could care less weather I was dead or alive.