This is my life (trigger warning)

Hello i know im young to be in this state (12) but i need help.
Everyday i feel worse and worse my parent shout at me and i cant take it i burst out crying my mum she hit me since i was born she makes me feel hopless useless stupid an idiot and when i was about 7 i started biting myself scratching myself and more to make the pain go away and sometime i was happy at thr thoughts of me dieing everyday was the same school home spanked shouted cry it got to the point i almost killed myself in the kitchen but someting stopped me idk what it was but i stopped after that i have made multiple personalities just to feel accepted most my “freinds” ignore me accept 2 they make me feel welcome but my mum has sort of stoped spanking but the damage is done my dad used to call me names and other things my grandma pressured me and now all i usually think is just die no one will miss you go you will be free


I am so sorry that you are living like that and having those thought at so young age and still you are strong of stil fighting, I admire you.

I think that first you should contact a family member of what they are doing to you or tell your teacher that you are suffering so much, you deserve to live better and those arent your family, even if they are blood related, family dont treat bad each other and abuse their family member, I dont know what is wrong with them but they cant do that to you. I hope that someday you find the place that people really care about you.

If those “friends” ignore you, well they dont even deserve to be called friends, they arent good for you, is their problem not yours, so dont let them ignore your life. You will find the real friends that you need, so please keep being strong.

If you need something, know that we love you and we care about you. And if you can tell anybody around you about what your parents do to you, please tell.

Stay safe and take care :heart:


Thank you for the help ive talked to my other grandmother and i helped alot im still giving my “freinds” a chance because they are in a sort of bad place as in some of there parents are going through a divorce besides that i feel much better now i need to talk to my mum and dad so after tjat i hope it gets better


Hey @KACZ,

Proud of you for talking to your grandmother. Keep us up to speed on what’s going on for you, if you’re comfortable with that.

You are loved.

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Hey friend, I’m sorry you are having a hard time. I’m sorry that you are feeling these things.
Just know that you are not stupid, you are not useless, you are not an idiot.
I hope that things get better for you.
Something that helped me when I was your age and I was struggling with things in my home, was journaling. I would write a lot. I would write my feelings, I would write poems and sometimes I would make collages. I’d take old magazines and cut out words that made me feel good and made me feel happy. I’d cut out images of places that I thought would be cool to go to. Maybe this is something that could help you when you are feeling stressed.

I encourage you to reach out to your family and talk about your feelings. Your feelings matter. You matter.

Stay strong.

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I talked to my parents and they got angry but tryed to calm me saying its just a phase so i will try soon again for now i am talking to my best freind and she has helped me alot


Sorry to hear that your parents got angry. That’s a bummer.
But I’m glad that you have a friend that you can talk to that is helping. That’s really good.
We’re here if you need to ever reach out again. :hrtlegolove:

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Great news my parents listened and dident shout at me we talked they said to me that they will stop
And after that i felt much better

Bad news? I may have MPD
Idk what that is the doctor told me not to search it soo yea


I’m glad that your parents took time out to listen. Stay strong friend. :heart:

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Hey everyone i have to tell you that things are getting better my mum stopped hitting me !!
But they still call me things i just ignore that and im getting into a better mindset i meditate to calm down and i write down my feelings and bad thoughts now me and my dad are gonna do everything we can so my little sister will never experience what i went through this website has helped me alot thank you all for your support now i know who to contact if anything else bad happens

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