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Today i said my boss i wish was dead :cry:


Hey friend. Thank you so much for reaching out here. I don’t know the context of this interaction, but it truly seems that saying this to your boss was maybe a way to finally put into words how you’ve been feeling for some time. There are times in life when we feel under so much pressure for so long that it starts getting too much and we feel like becoming this ticking bomb, ready to explode in a storm of emotions. I hope you will make sure to acknowledge what you said and to try to look after what has brought you to say it. There may be reasons behind that are absolutely valid and essential to understand. You are not wrong or bad for struggling. This may be a very rough time for you, and what you’ve said to your boss could become an opportunity to listen to your needs and start thinking about ways to address them. It can seem scary at first, if not overwhelming, so I hope you know that you are not alone and won’t have to fight these battles just by yourself. You being here, reaching out and using your voice makes a difference already. I see you, I hear you, and I want you to know that you matter. If you would like to share more about it, I’m more than willing to listen. You are loved.