Todays the day i end it

i am grateful for all your guy’s help but i can’t take it anymore

My life keeps getting messed up and i have no one to help me it’s hard and i can’t seem to make people happy so how do i make people happy if i can’t even make myself happy anymore

My emotions are too overwhelming to the point where i can’t even feel anymore and im numb i’ve tried so hard to stop self harming but i got so upset the other day when i couldn’t find the thing i used i just wanted to die and i still want to

i was doing fine but then it all hit me again and some one i was close to just broke my heart not a bf but a friend he broke my heart



Please talk to us. We are here to help you and you do not need to carry this alone. You deserve hope and healing. Please let us know that you are still here.



Hey @Sandia,

I’m aware that it’s been a moment that life has been heavy to you… and that’s not fair. I’m so sorry you’re hurting to the point of wanting to disappear. Your life is precious, my friend. And the future holds possibilities we can’t even imagine yet.

We care about you here. And we’re all glad that you are part of this community, Sandia. We may not have all the answers or solutions, but we’re all here to support each other through these dark times. You are not alone in that pain, friend. We see you, we’re rooting for you and your safety.

I’d like to encourage you to call a crisis line and share about the thoughts that you have right now:

It’s absolutely safe to use these resources. And you can use it as much as you need. But if you don’t feel comfortable with it, then it would be great if you could try to reach out to someone close to you (your boyfriend? your family?) so you don’t feel alone. Because you’re not. :hrtlegolove:

Friend, it feels like hitting rock bottom, but you are not doomed to feel that pain forever. Life is not all about suffering. And you only deserve the best.

I’m thinking of you. And I hope with all my heart that you will give us some news soon.

Hang in there. You are loved. :hrtlegolove:


Hi !
I am sorry that you have reach a point were you think that you cant go on, In the first months of this years there were days that I wanted to end everything because I was in a really bad situation, so I am sorry that you have those thoughts too, no one deserve to be feeling that way.

Maybe now you dont see it, but whatever situation or etc that is hurting you will pass, in our lives we will have different situation, some will make us happy and others maybe the opposite but all the situation have somenthing in common, that they doesnt last forever. So please dont end everything, know that you have us, you have the people that are around you and like @Micro has said you can call a crisis line.

You arent alone, we care about you and we want you to stay with us :heart:

Take care :heart:

Hey Sandia.

We’re here and listening. Will you tell us what you’re going through?

Hey @Sandia! What’s going on? We’re here to listen :slight_smile:

@Sandia We are here for you, with open hearts ready to wrap you up in support and love. You deserve to live, and we want you to be safe. Can you talk about what’s going on right now here with us?

@Micro @EchoeWings @Maisnow @Eric @HS_John

Thank to everyone i was able to have some one talk me out of it and at the moment i just felt so broken and so alone and i had broken up with my bf for no reason i just knew i was gonna end it and figured i should and then one of my friends was talking to me and i felt like i never helped him with his problems cuz he was always busy with mine i also could not think so everything i was doing wasn’t what i wanted to do i just wanted to self harm and be gone but i am grateful for the support i didn’t think anyone would care about me especially if they didn’t know me or how selfish i was
i was so scared cuz i was actually gonna do it nothing was hold me back



I am so glad to hear you are alive!!! You are so incredible for reaching out. I have honestly been worried about you the past few days and that’s because even though I don’t know you, you have soooo much value and worth!! I’m so glad that you have at least one good friend who you’re able to keep around. They sound really great for supporting you.

I’m sorry about your breakup. Take your time to grieve and keep reaching out like you did here. That’s why I’m a huge advocate for asking for help: because sometimes when you’re going through it, you don’t always see hope for yourself. And that is why HeartSupport is here. To help give you hope when you don’t see it yourself.

I am SO proud of you!!! Keep going. Stay strong. And remember that your life is SO valuable.



thank you so much it means alot and i’m happy to know that i am somewhat needed or valuable


You are needed and you are valuable Sandia - even if you sometimes may not believe it yourself, we’ll believe it for you.

We care about you, and I want you to return to this wall (or use the resources @Micro posted first) if you ever feel like self harming again. We will be here.

Thank you it’s just getting even harder that i am now isolated in my home so i have more time to think which ik is not healthy. It’s just hard to stop myself from having those thoughts when thats all i can think which is how i am not getting better nor am i getting happier

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Too much time to think is not good for anyone. Is there a hobby or something you like doing to help keep your hands and mind busy? I know times are crazy and it is not easy to get out. There are tons of things you can make or do online though or things you can craft etc at home. I have seen everything from three d paper art to quilting down the line on things to do to keep your hands and mind busy. You are not alone in this either. Look at how many have reached out to say you are important, you are wanted and needed in life, and that you are worth it. There is much you can do still too. When you start seeing yourself going down a dark path mentally, focus on the good around you. The stars, the flowers, the trees that have stood up for years in the storms, whatever it takes to find something strong and beautiful around you. Read a book, play an online game, but get your mind off the dark and focus on something you can do. It is not easy but it will be so worth it. Best of blessings and remember you have value. Take care of yourself.

Please do the opposite of that NIKE slogan. DON’T DO IT

Yes but i can not do that anymore cuz my family has gotten sick so they are isolated up stairs meanwhile i am downstairs stuck in the living room and i can not go in my room to do the things i wanna do
Thank you so much for your advice it is appreciated
Some times i just can not control how i feel or how i think tho
But again thank you and don’t feel the need to waste your time and reply its okay

Ha thank you i will be sure to reach out if i feel the need but your right thanks

It is never a waste of time to help someone. Hopefully you can find something fun to do while stuck down there at least. Things will get better too when the sickness clears up. It is a step at a time progress. It is not easy too when you feel overwhelmed and stuck. Is there a way you can go outside for a bit for fresh air and get away from things for a bit? It is ok to ask for help too. You are taking the right steps by reaching out and asking for aid. Hang in there. This is just a speed bump for a bit and brighter roads will be ahead. maybe you can make a plan of the fun things you can do when you can return to normal too. It never hurts to have a dream, plan for it and set it up for later. Best of blessings and stay safe.

im still young so there really is no way for me to get out but lately i have been feeling that i should just go on with my plan anyways i know people say to look at the future and the brightness ahead but i just dont see one anymore and yes there is people i care about that i wouldn’t wanna leave but still i just wanna go now
Even if things do get better i know that i will feel the same
and it is really hard to talk to my parents about anything so i can not tell them how i feel with out them getting mad
I just don’t trust myself or really anyone else

I know you do not see a future right now, but there is one. You have lots of options that maybe you do not see right now. You can also grab some professional help too if things are getting to the point where you can not find an answer as well. There is nothing wrong with that and asking for real help when you need it most. Sometimes you can feel in a dark place all alone and in all honesty there is a lot more there than you see at that time too. Do not give up on yourself or those around you. If your parents are not an option call one of the help lines. They can help you find some answers and help to get out and do things again, to live again. I know it is hard to trust, but sometimes you need to reach out when you need it the most. Please do reach out. There is so much more there than you know to live for and to see out there in the world. Do not give up on yourself or on second chances.

Yes you are right thank you for your advice i tend to reach out to help lines or mentors but i never really met a professional although i have wanted to it’s just hard cuz then i would have to tell my parents about everything but thanks