Too much anxiety too handle

I’ve been dealing with social anxiety for a very long time now but today it’s so much worse. I’m currently over at my friends house and her parents have visitors, which i don’t know. Being in a house with strangers is hard enough, but right now i’m forced to be in the same room as them, sitting like a meter away from them. It’s so hard to not burst into tears right here, right now. I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack and no chance to leave.


Ugh, I’m so sorry you had to deal with this stress, friend. That’s a situation I can relate to, so much… It’s hard to be forced to socialize, for one reason or another, while it triggers your anxiety. I know this is super draining, both emotionally and physically, so I hope you managed to rest after this meeting. To spend some time alone, do something you like… just to relax as much as you can. :hrtlegolove: I’m sending hugs to you.

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Hey there - it sounds like this was something unexpected and draining for you. I’m so glad you took the time to come here and post, because you are definitely not alone in feeling drained and anxious about being in situations with people you don’t know. Were you able to do some self care to help you recharge afterwards? I’m not sure if you’re working with a mental health professional to develop some coping mechanisms for “in the moment,” but I know some down time after awkward and anxiety inducing situations always helps me as well. Also maybe you could talk to your friend about giving you a heads up when there are people you aren’t familiar with over at their house? Hope you’re doing well today, and happy Thanksgiving.

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I could manage to pull myself together in that moment, although it drained all my strength and energy for everything else.


Hey friend, thank you so much for the update. Even if it drained your energy that day, you succeeded in making through that moment. And that’s huge. I hope you got as much rest as you needed though.

Take care. :hrtlegolove:

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