Tough Day Today

Today was a pretty tough day! I felt inadequate and just kept falling short in my ability.

I don’t always feel this way, but when it hits it hits hard. I know that a lot of these are lies that I believe and need to overcome but it is so hard in the moment. Like I need to take a step backhand remember who I am and my true worth.

Just thought I’d share my struggle and be transparent because no one is perfect and we are all in this together. I am so thankful and grateful for this amazing community. Each new day is a new opportunity to make a change and overcome. It’s worth fighting for because you are worth it!


Keep fighting. You are strong to beat this. Just remembervyour true worth is in god. Not that earthly possessions. You are precious not because of what you do but because of the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Thanks for being open and hold fast.


@lawrenced ,
hello their friend. im sorry your feeling this way. just know your loved no matter what . i hope your okay rightnow.
remember to hold fast and your worth it


Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate it

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I appreciate your words of encourage! Thank you!

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Hey friend,
Thank you for sharing with us,
You are amazing and you are doing so well! Keep fighting!

I know sometime these feeling of being less than others can get to us, but just take a step back and remind yourself that you are beautiful, amazing and you are worth it!

I love and support you friend,
Hold fast,
Luna :heart:

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Thank you very much for your words!

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keep grinding brother. Life is always going to throw us obstacles but we’re strong enough to jump those hurdles.