Trevor Fan #1

I’m alone. No one loves me. I’m a mistake

It’s such a brutal spot to be in when you feel like your very existence is proved time and time again to be an inconvenience to others, that you’re more often a burden than a joy, that there’s no point in you continuing to be…feels like people would be better off without you…like life doesn’t even need you, almost like a weight would be lifted if you weren’t here.

I have felt similarly in my own life…I felt like a failure in everything…I tried so damn hard to just be good enough, and it felt like there was nothing I could do to ever live up to that impossible expectation…like I was a constant failure and disappointment, and that’s all I’d ever amount to be. No one cared because I couldn’t earn it, there was always someone better.

But it’s not the truth. For you or for me. Our worth isn’t in how we perform or how others respond or what they think…heck, even in what we think…our worth is in who we are. You are completely unique, and your life matters and is irreplaceable as such. You are enough to be loved as you are.

I really like this exercise…it helps me when I feel worthless.

Give it a try, and move through this place where you believe the lie…and move towards the truth about your worth and value. You deserve it :hrtlegolove:


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Hey friend, I’m sorry that you’re feeling alone and unlovable.

I just want you to know that you matter. Your feelings matter. Your life matters. You ARE lovable and you deserve to be heard. :heart:

Know that we’re here if you want to talk.