(Trigger Warning) can’t do this anymore

My friends are drifting away and are leaving me behind. They have much better lives compared to me, they actually seem happy. Socializing is one of my major weak points, so knowing that my closest friends are growing distant make me feel so fucking alone.

These voices in my head tell me that I am an annoyance. A worthless piece of garbage. Someone that shouldn’t even be alive anymore. And I believe them. Why am I even here. Why can’t I be better. I hate everything about me. I hate being such an embarrassment. Maybe that’s why everyone is leaving me. I’m just not worth their time. They moved on to much better people. Now I am just left here to drown in my own thoughts.

Why can’t I just be better? I’ll do whatever it takes to make me worth everybody’s time. I just want to fit in. But I guess I’ll always be nothing. Nothing but a nobody.

Maybe I should just not exist anymore. I feel like it’ll be better if I leave, because that’s what everybody has done to me anyway.

I don’t know anymore.



I’m sorry your friends seem to take some distance with you right now. This is totally something we all experience from time to time.
The conclusions that come from this situation, the things you say about yourself, the way you see yourself, is understandable because you are hurting. But it doesn’t mean it’s true. I’m truly sorry you’ve been feeling like this. You are so much more than what you’ve been thinking about yourself.

They have much better lives compared to me, they actually seem happy.

Well, I’m sorry to say this but you will always lose in the comparaison game, friend. I get that, we all compare ourselves to others sometimes. There are times when I’m also tempted to do that. But it often lead us to the wrong conclusions, especially when we’re struggling with our self-esteem/confidence. It’s natural to compare ourselves to others, but when we’re suffering it’s just an unhealthy way to validate our feelings and the negative thoughts we can have about ourselves. Like: “I’m not satisfied by my life right now, and if I look at others lives it just shows me how unhappy and worthless I am, how much I’m unable to do anything right”.

Your life, your happiness, is not depending on others happiness. If someone you know accomplish something, it won’t change anything in your own life. If you know them, at least, you would be happy for them. But their situation won’t say anything about you nor what you can expect in your life. We all follow different paths, have unique experiences and ones life can’t be compared to an other one. Also because we all have different representations of what is a fulfilling life. Your standards are not the same as your neighbours. Because your experiences are different and because you are not the same person.

I also want to emphasize the fact that you don’t know if their life is actually better. We never know someone entirely and what’s behind a smile, unless we have a very deep relationship with them. And the fact that you finally said they “seem” happy is very important. Appearances hold a great importance in the way we perceive others. Especially now, with social medias, where people try to show themselves at their best.

So, about this comparision tendency, I can only encourage you to push that back. It doesn’t bring anything healthy nor helpful to you and you certainly don’t need it right now. What matters is you and where you are in your own journey. Always compare yourself to… yourself. Where you were before, where you are now and where you want to be in the future. It’s how you’ll find some direction and guidance for yourself. :heart:

My friends are drifting away and are leaving me behind.

Is there a possibility for you to talk to them about this? In all relationship some adjustments has to be made sometimes, but it goes along with a regular communication. Maybe there are just life circumstances that make them being distant (I suppose the covid situation doesn’t help either), and maybe they’re not even aware of this. So I understand how you feel. And you have the absolute right to feel how you feel. But unless you talk to them to understand what’s going on, then you can’t really know if it’s because they want to be away from you or not. And even if it was the case, it wouldn’t mean you’d be worthless or your existence doesn’t matter. It would only mean that friendships come and go, that people are not always close/distant to each other the same way and that’s okay.

Your worth, who you are, is not defined by this situation. You are not an annoyance and you are not a piece of garbage. You’re a unique person, you have feelings, desires and emotions that no one and nothing can take away from you. So fight against these voices telling you such awful things about yourself, making you think that your existence doesn’t matter. You matter. Your life matters. Being away from your friends is affecting you. Those are circumstances in your life that are meant to change and, hopefully you will all make the best of this situation. But keep in mind that it doesn’t question who you are nor your right to exist. You are loved. :heart:


From: tromboness

I also have feelings of not sure why I’m alive. I just believe if I take it one day at a time, I’ll find that sense of purpose and belonging. I hold onto the belief that I have friends that love me, and I cling to my volunteer work to give me purpose. I hope that you can find the assurance that you have or will have friends that love you too. Hold Fast.


Hi there @megmegmeg- Thank you so much for being here, and opening up. Your story matters, and sharing your thoughts here means so much to us. You are important, and you matter, and your words are heard here. We see and love you.

I am so sorry you feel alone. Loneliness can be such a heavy weight, and it sounds like its so hard for you with your friends moving away from you at this time too. Friends drift apart, but its never easy. You don’t have to be okay with it, it’s okay to grieve them and notice their absence. We also have a tendency to place our worth on the feedback we get from people around us, and it seems like you aren’t getting positive feedback right now and I am sorry to hear that. When you don’t have positive affirmation, your brain can start telling you lies; I’m not worth it, I don’t matter, people are leaving me because I am not worth their time.

You are not a burden.
You are not nobody.
You matter.

You really nailed it, when you said you were alone with your thoughts. They are running negative circles and you can’t catch them. You obviously care about people. You put a trigger warning in your title, you explained your feelings so well, and you took the time to share with us. You don’t have to give up, you are a fighter. You are brave in the face of adversary, and I believe in you to quiet down those voices.

I really hope you find some place to feel accepted and loved (even if it isn’t here, but I hope it is). I want you to know that it is worth the work to tell those voices they are wrong, and if we can help you do that, we are here for you. We are here to love and care about your journey. You don’t have to be perfect for us, the breath in your lungs gives you SO much value.

Hold fast, we care.


Hey @megmegmeg we discussed your topic on the HeartSupport Twitch stream! Here’s the live video response.

Hold Fast