Trying to be forgiving

I guess this can be a progress post but also just one where I need assistance. I realized I’m not as forgiving and this past year really closed me up. I’m struggling with learning how to forgive myself with a lot of the choices I made in this life along with those who hurt me. But I also want to start moving through this life with an open heart again. I know have before.
I am specifically looking for advice in regards to a friend I had back in my teenage years (currently I’m 25). I realize I was incredibly insecure, hypercritical of this friend, and used sarcasm to tease her. (my family used a lot of sarcasm to tease each other through the years. I used to think it was okay until I myself became incredibly sensitive to it later and realized how unhealthy it was. Lately I don’t even contact my family much). Its not that I didn’t like her, in fact I admired her so very much and adored her family. I stay off social media and don’t have any way of contacting her. At one point I tried her old email but found it was deactivated. I wish I could apologize. I was a bad friend and its been on and off my mind for months. Do I get a social media account just to apologize? I feel like that’s a bit much.

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I think it’s a good idea to try to apologize through a social media account! Even if it doesn’t work out at least you tried to make amends, and that still counts for something. I’m sure the friend will be grateful to hear your apology

@Rosethorn -

If you have no other way of contacting her, using social media to reach out isn’t a bad idea. It definitely shows your growth and that you are at least trying to make amends.

<3 Tara

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