Two Days Clean

I didn’t want to post another one of these because I was scared I was going to break again and disappoint all of you again but her it is. Two days clean


Congratulations Paladin. You are back at it. :partying_face: You dont have to worry. I am glad that you are trying. We are going to be with you on your journey through all the good and bad. :wink:

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I feel like a failure for breaking all those times

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Dont. You are not a failure. You are doing your best. Nobody is perfect and nodody expected you to be perfect. You keep trying even after you have failed and that is remarkabke. You are remarkabke Paladin. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t feel remarkable at all. I just feel like a failure who has let everyone down too many times to count. Im sorry im just sad. Im fine

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You are remarkable Paladin. At least for me. You helped me. You were there for me. When I was so low and could not see a way out. You have so much willpower. More than I had when i was feeling so bad. You are not a failure Paladin. You are great. You are a wonderful human being. I will be here rooting for you. It does not matter if you fail or how many times you fail. It matters how long you last and how many times you try. You are doing good. Honestly. Dont feel bad for failing you are doing your best and that is what is important. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I… I’m crying. I’m not okay. Thank you but I’m not okay. I don’t know what I need

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Stay with me Paladin and keep breathing. Breath in and out. Deep breaths. Now try to explain to me what is wrong. Maybe I can help.

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I just feel worthless. I just feel like nothing. I haven’t felt this bad in days. Why do I have to back here. Just breathe

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Yes that is right. Just breath. Deep breaths in and out. You are not worthless Paladin. I know it. I care about you many people here care about you and I am sure you have people that care about you too. You are worthy of love and happiness Paladin. That feeling is just your depression trying to hurt you. I am with you Paladin.

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I… just want to be fine. Why am I back here. I was doing so well. No stop spiraling now. Just breathe

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That is normal. It is two steps forward one step back. It is worse now but it will get better again. This too shall pass Paladin. Just stay with me and breath.

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I’m trying. My mind keeps going everywhere. Breathe. Just breathe

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I know it is hard. Just try to focus on the breathing. In and out deep breaths. You are great. I am with you. Dont let your mind hurt you. Keep breathing in and out.

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Just breathing. In out

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That is right just breathing. In and out. You are doing fine just keep it up. You are worthy of love and care and nothing can change that. Keep breathing. In and out.

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In and out. Im am worthy

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Yes you are. You will feel better again. This will pass. It will be better. Now keep breathing. Slowly in and out. Keep breathing.

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In out. I am worthy and people care about me. They care about me for me

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Yes they do. We care about you. I care about you and you deserve to be happy. You will be happy. Now keep breathing. Slowly and deeply. In and out. In and out.

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