Twoguys1couch Fan #5

Im the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life and i cant stick to diet or exercise. I hate my body.

Hey Friend,
I’m so sorry to hear this, though I understand. I am at my heaviest as well and its been very difficult to get on a good and healthy track. But, when I’m at my best is when I have supportive people who care for me and walking through the weight loss journey with me. Last year I did really well in making better choices and moving around more because of bringing those in to help me. I’m not sure if you have people willing to do things with you or support you in that way, but know that you have a supportive community here. You don’t have to hate your body anymore, but instead we can work together to see our bodies with love and treat them that way. Let’s make some changes and do this together. You don’t have to feel guilt over not sticking to diets and exercise, because every moment can be one you choose to start over, like right now.

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Hey friend,

I’m sorry your struggling right now. Weight loss can be a long journey, and there’s no doubt you put a lot of energy and efforts in it. I find that, when you’re in a position of fighting against your own body, it’s making weight loss way more difficult. I know it’s really hard to do that when you don’t like the reflection you see in the mirror, but this journey can also be an occasion for you to learn how to treat your body in a gentle and loving way. Building a healthier way of life may concern your weight, but also the way you take care of yourself in a more general way. You will reach your goals, friend. It’s quite normal if you can’t stick to diet or exercise sometimes. This is something everyone can struggle with! You are building new habits for yourself and it can take some time before doing it effectively. But everytime you’re trying is entirely part the process.

Hold Fast, friend. You are loved. :heart: