Under pressure from my family

im just tired of everything , im just sick of everything , my family , my parents , my sisters , all of it
i just cant , cant to pretending everything is fine , i cant to always smile and laugh even i hurt inside
everyone just keep pushing me , im under pressure.
everything its just getting worse
im just too tired, i need everything to stop, i just really need a break of everything , please someone just make me smile , idk how can i survive with all this pressure

cathy , 8 - july - 2019


Hello @cathyy,

Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with us. I’m so sorry that you are feeling so stressed and pressured. It sounds like the people you want to be your support are the ones causing most of the pressure and anxiety. I want you to know that we don’t expect you to pretend, or to smile when you want to cry. We want to listen and support you.

You can ONLY do your best, any expectation beyond that is not reasonable and is unfair to you. If someone has an expectation of you that is unreasonable, that is their problem, not yours. That said, you are totally justified in feeling stressed and anxious about those expectations. It has happened to me in the past and I’m sure it will again in the future.

The two things we have to remember are: we can only do what we can do, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

I hope you will continue to let us be a help to you. Even if we maybe don’t have good advice, we can at least listen and let you know that you are not alone.

Hold Fast

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I’m sorry you are feeling pressured and overwhelmed. It’s ok to not feel ok. How you told them that you geeked pressured and how it makes you feel? Maybe if you tell them they will ease off or can help you/give you advice in regards to your situation. I hope you’re better and luck will find your way soon.

thank you, its just word but its really mean for me , thanks a lot