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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Sick Boi Ren
Unfortunately, I’ve had more then a couple of therapists & psychiatrists like this. I wish I could talk to someone like you. But that’ll never happen. So bye
Hi Friend, Thanks for your comment, it can be really difficult to find the right fit when it comes to therapists etc, it is like any situation in life that involves human beings coming together, there can be politeness, kindness and compassion but there can also be that one thing that just does not click and especially in a situation where you want to share your deepest feelings it that little thing truly matters. What is good for someone else may not fit for you and visa versa but please do not let that be a reason to stop searching, you have the right to find that one that works, you deserve to meet with the one that can help you and I have no doubt that in time you will. It took me a long time to find someone I was truly comfortable to share my feelings with and that was because I felt my thoughts and feelings were not valid, they didnt deserve to warrent therapy, I felt like a fraud , I went through a few therapists until I met one who made me realise that I was justified in being there, she heard me and validated how I felt and helped me to manage my anxieties at that time, she was worth the wait.
I hope this gives you a little hope that it is worth trying and waiting for and indeed pushing for if necessary.
In the meantime we are here for you. I wish you the very best of luck. Lisa x
Yes it really sucks when you finally reach out for help and get stuck with professionals who just don’t seem to listen and only care about writing a prescription. You’re showing up, opening up about what’s going on, hoping they’ll get it, and all they’re focused on is checking off boxes and handing out pills. Internally you’re saying to yourself: “Hello, I’m more than just a list of symptoms!”, but they keep trying to fit you into a tiny box that would be well identified and delimited, while the story you have to tell is unique and should be considered as such.
I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that type of treatment and the disappointment it creates. I’ve personally experienced this before finding a great therapist, and it definitely left me feeling completely unseen and unheard, like my struggles and pain were not worth sharing anymore. Which was quite a challenge since reaching out in the first place was, in itself, a huge obstacle to overcome. Feeling dismissed is unfair because when you’re reaching out, you deserve to be met with some real understanding and compassion, not just a rushed appointment that would make you feel like you’re a patient to treat before a human being to listen to. You’re already feeling vulnerable, and having people who are supposed to help end up making you feel even more alone feels like putting a nail on a coffin.
My encouragement for you is to please don’t give up. You deserve to be heard by someone who genuinely wants to help and would really hear you out. Finding the right therapist can take time, sometimes way more time than it should in reality - which is freaking unfair -, but that support is out there for you. You deserve to feel supported, heard, understood. It’s worth fighting for because YOU are worth it, friend.