Update on daily life

Things have been getting better i just got through being 1 year without attempting at all, ive been also somewhat doing better mentally. Physically has been a bit difficult bc i can blarely stand and sit bc i pretty sure bruised my muscles and ribs over the weekend


Hey there @Horselover200246,

We are sure proud of you for reaching this New milestone in your healing. You have been going through a lot, but you are now more than ever able to see that there is something to see beyond the mountains in front of us that sometimes feel insurmountable. I hope you somehow enjoy the view and celebrate yourself. Your efforts are seen, your strength is felt. You are doing good.

Iā€™m sorry that your body is in pain right now. That sounds quite incapacitating so I hope you make sure to see a doctor if necessary.

Thank you for sharing these updates once again with our community here. You are loved. :hrtlegolove:

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