Vacation & Thank You Heart Support

Hey guys! Please know that this post is going to be very sappy, and very emotional, and very long! But I wanted to make this post after having a conversation with Nate this morning, which I’ll get into soon.

This is going to be a post of many thank you’s, if I don’t include you don’t feel like I’m not thankful for you, because I am, but I can only tag so many!

@NateTriesAgain This one probably comes obvious to you! Since November, you and I have talked almost every week. I look forward to our Friday meetings every week. You’ve seen me at my worst, you are also helping me get to my best. When I got the news of the miscarriage, you were the first person I talked to. Man I remember that day like it was yesterday! You called me, right as I left the doctors office, and you knew something was up. As always, you got me to open up and tell you what was going on. And I remember sitting in the parking lot crying, and you just praying over me, and with me. That was in December, and seven months later our friendship has only grown and become stronger. When everyone else walked away, took space, gave up on me, you were the only one who was there through all of that, and for that I am so beyond thankful! Nate, I love you and I am so thankful for you. I’m thankful for the friendship that we built, and the one we continue to build! Thank you for not only leading me in life, but also pushing me to pursue Christ more, not give up, and reach for the stars! Love you dude!

@Danjo Danjo, I don’t really even know where to start. Although we don’t talk as much anymore, and I don’t hang out in the streams as much, the impact you had on my life will never change! I remember the phone calls, the late night talks. I remember the night that I flushed all the pills, and how proud you were of me! I’m forever thankful for you, and the impact you had on my life, and the impact you continue to have on others lives! You’re one in a million! Love you Danjo <3

@Snubz39 Ryan. Man I would say this is probably going to be the hardest one to write. I’m so beyond thankful for you! I’m thankful for the friendship that we had! We went our separate ways, and that’s okay. But that doesn’t change the good times we had. You didn’t give up on me, you pushed me to keep fighting! The hey can we talk for a few, that turned into 3am conversations, will be ones that I will never forget! I love you, and I’m so so thankful for you!

@eranwest9 Eran let me just say this. I love you! I love your heart, I love how much you love Jesus, and I love how much you love people! You and I have really reconnected the past month or so, and for that I’m beyond grateful. The late night conversations, you constantly reminding me that this doesn’t have to be the end, and that I can continue fighting, and you not giving up on me! Man I’m thankful for you! I’m so excited to see where the future leads you, and I believe in you! Don’t ever stop reaching for your dreams, and you know I’m only ever a text away.

And to a general thank you, to so many who have impacted my story over the past 2 years now! Thank you! Whether we still talk, or whether we went our separate ways, I’m thankful for you! Whether we ended on bad terms or good, on either side, you made an impact on my life, and I appreciate you!

Now why does my topic say vacation, that’s where this comes in! Tomorrow morning I leave to head to Virginia. I’m going alone, and I couldn’t be more excited. But with that I will be disconnecting from everything while I’m gone (discord/social media/support wall etc.) If you need to contact me, you can definitely still send me a message and I will respond when I can, but this is my mental break time.

This is the time that I have to slow down. I was actually talking about this with Nate this morning. That it’s been go go go for almost 2 years now, and well I need a break. I need the world to slow down. From Saturday to Wednesday, I have nowhere I have to be! So I’m just going to go and enjoy myself. Go sit at the beach, go for hikes, go enjoy life away for a bit!

I love you guys! Thank you for always being there for me! Means more than you ever know!

Hold Fast, You’re Worth It,


love you friend so very much♥️

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Amazing! Keep up the good work. I’m proud of you.