Warped Tour Fan #105

I work just to be broke. The mental abuse my job gives me is no joke. I dread going to work every day and cant end my life cause I have a son who needs me. I just feel stuck and hopeless.


Mental abuse on the job is no joke… unfortunately, it happens way more than zero times and effects amazing, loving people like yourself who are trying to make a life for yourself and your son.

Please consider seeking out therapy. If your job doesn’t have insurance a local university (one that has classes for therapists) may offer low cost or even free therapy.

It may help to know that thoughts of suicide in rough situations like this one are totally normal. In some cases it is the minds way or finding a solution when things seem just too overwhelming.

If you have a support system, reach out for help and support… If not, seek out local support groups in order to have someone to brainstorm with, to help you work out a plan to move towards a better, less abusive work place.

It must feel so overwhelming and horrible right now… and it may seem that it will take forever to get out of this situation… I believe in you, however, I believe that you reaching out was just the first step in you working towards a better tomorrow for you and your son.

You matter.

You are so much more than your job, you’re a father and you’re sons hero!! Keep positive and I know it’s crazy but you don’t need a job like that, I’ve been there and it was straining my relationship with my wife at the time.

I was so upset at everything, generally angry, emotionally unavailable and wasn’t all there for her when I should’ve been and she really needed me. It’s time I can’t take back and can only make up for, it’s the past but damn if it doesn’t hurt looking back and thinking about who I was then.

I was eventually fired from that job and I was in such a bad spot for so long before that happening, that I told multiple friends and family that I’d only leave if I got fired or actually looked for a new job. Problem was I was so down on myself, negative thoughts and always talked myself out of it cause I wasn’t good enough.

Please don’t put yourself in that situation, keep your head up and push forward, your kids gonna love you no matter what job you take, but don’t let your job take you from your kid, mental abuse on the job is sickening. Family, friends, time and love is everything!

It sounds like you are dealing with a lot right now - that sucks. I think that you should reach out to your manager/boss/human resources if possible and mention the abuse that you receive. If you really can’t do that, look for another job if at all possible. Keep trucking on with this one until you have another job lined up - but, if it isn’t healthy for you to be there, you need to be somewhere else.
You’re not stuck or hopeless at all, you have a son who needs you! If you can’t live for yourself, live for him. For a long time, I wanted to die, I attempted suicide and thought about it every second of the day. I started to live purely because the people around me wanted me to - and by doing that I started to learn things, and develop the want to live for other things, some days, even for myself. You can too.

Hold Fast