Warped Tour Fan #166

I’ve struggled with Anxiety and bipolar depression since I was 13 (I’m 20 now). Last year my ex-fiance broke off our engagement and broke up with me. Ever since hen I’ve been having a really ruff time with my anxiety. I’ve been gradually getting better but it still hurts to be honest.

Dealing with those things from such a young age sounds really hard. I’m sorry that your ex-fiance broke things off, but, I’m glad that you felt you could share that with us and reach out.
The hurt is probably going to take a while to ease, but, know that, by being honest about it, it will get easier to deal with…
Anxiety is hard to cope with without having this going on, I can’t imagine what it’s like to have someone you love like that break away. Keep working to get better, come back to the forum and tell us a little more about yourself - let us get to know you so we can help you to grow and come back from this. You deserve to be happy and able to live free from daily anxiety.

Hold Fast

I’m so sorry to hear about your break up. I want you to know that we are here for you. Heartbreak is such a hard thing to go through, but I just want to remind you that this pain won’t last forever. Each day it gets just a small bit better and eventually you will wake up and realize you are clean from the pain and hurt you felt was written all over you. It gets easier, then it gets okay, then it feels like freedom. Reach out on here and reach out to loved ones. It’s okay to hurt, thats human and healing from a broken heart and working on your bipolar depression is a lot of work. But over time your heart will heal. You are not alone.

Thank you for coming here and sharing this with us :slight_smile: I’m sorry to hear about your ex-fiance and the tough time you’ve been having with your anxiety but, when you said things have gradually been getting better, that’s hope. It’s not an overnight thing and you might feel a little pain for a long time but it does get better. You have the strength to get through this and fight for your happiness. I know you do :slight_smile: we are also always here to help you and encourage you!


Yeah man that blows…to feel like you’ve got this deep anxiety that was only confirmed by this terrible moment in your life…to feel like you’ve got evidence now that sears to your memory – yeah, you’re right to feel that way…you’re trying to break free from it and create new memories and put gap and distance between you and that pain – graduation will be a good milestone to put part of that behind you – but it doesn’t completely heal things even if you do “put it away”…you’ve got this new wound in your heart / soul that shows itself through your anxiety, and it needs to be addressed! In that sense, the anxiety is actually a good thing because it’s telling you, hey, you’ve got something that still needs to be healed in here. And knowing that is much more hopeful than just feeling like you’re hopeless to figure this out. Hoping this is a good starting place :slight_smile: