Warped Tour Fan #77

I have been struggling with moving forward in life to pursue some passions of mine. I have been making small steps but get discouraged at times and freeze up for a while. I really want to pursue a life based around my passion for music and photography/film. It is hard when the people I am surrounded by think it is kind of silly because I moved on from my previous job that I was at for 13 years that had stability and comfort.


I so get that. I’ve been there myself and what I have realized for me is that the biggest mistake I can make is to hesitate or do something 50% because of the fear of failure. If you want something, go get it. You may fail. You may realize that you like the stability of your old job and decide to go back to it. That is all ok! Enjoy the ride and through it everything, remember your experiences.

There is a great quote that goes “I never lose. I win or I learn.” Move forward with that attitude and you will kick butt wherever life takes you. You’re awesome!

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I can relate to this 100%. Sometimes we need reminded that our jobs don’t define who we are. I remind myself of this daily. I don’t think it’s silly to pursue your passions but stay focused and be diligent. Also think of ways a job might give you some stability to get started, whether it’s money to invest in equipment or travel, or maybe even inspire other people in the work place that they too can pursue their passions and goals. The saddest thing is when we let superficial titles lable and define us and restrict us. Whatever you do give it everything you’ve got!


Making big changes is totally scary! I commend you for taking that leap to go for it! Not everyone will be supportive or understanding, but with time you will find some people who will support and encourage you.

What is most important is that you never give up. It can feel so discouraging when something doesn’t work out or when you feel like you’ve taken one step forward and three steps backward. It’s okay to take time and get yourself back on track. What matters is that you don’t give up. Every time you fall, pick yourself back up and start again. I read this biography by Michelle Kwan (the olympic figure skater) and she said that she knew who would make it as an ice skater by watching the skaters. She said that the ones who fell and who got back up and tried over and over until they got it were the ones who would succeed. Failure will happen, but what makes the difference is that you keep trying over and over again. Work hard and put your whole heart into what you love. Other people can think you are silly, but I believe in you.