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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Monsters by Shinedown
We can’t just talk about our monsters. That only keeps the energy of them alive. We have to find a way to truly move past what created them. I’ve been working on that for forever. I got a bachelors in psychology thinking it would help me. Nope. And therapists just want you to relive the pain, that does not move you past it. My monsters could surely kill. It’s easy for people to talk about forgiveness because it releases you from what happened, but that is not true. It doesn’t wipe away the memories and the pain. I’ve gotten somewhat better but I still have triggers. If anyone knows the secret to truly moving past it all, please let me know.
Hey there. Shinedown is such an amazing band and a lot of their lyrics resonate deeply with me as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I believe it is different for everyone and so there is no one generic, works-for-all answer. The beauty of human beings is that we are all individuals. Our wants, needs, and monsters all vary. I am so sorry to hear you have been struggling for such a long time and that talking and talk-therapy has not worked for you. The good thing about therapy is that thankfully, not all therapy is the same. There are soooo many different types of therapy out there and it is fascinating to me to see how each method and theory has worked and not worked for various people. There are even solution-focused methods that may be more beneficial in your situation. Finding a therapist is like finding a shoe. You have to find the one that fits you best and sometimes that means trying on a few different shoes before finding the right one. I have lived with monsters. Monsters from my childhood as well as monsters from my adulthood. Simply saying monsters aren’t easy to live with can be a major understatement. Sometimes it can be absolutely unbearable. I hope you continue to resist them and can find what helps you move forward to finding peace from their grasp.