:hrtlegolove: Welcome to HeartSupport

Welcome to Heartsupport!

We are a safe community where people care about each other and do life together. We believe that life’s challenges shouldn’t be faced alone, but instead need to be shared in spaces where love, acceptance and encouragement are foundational.

We are not counselors, therapists or mental health professionals, but people from all walks of life willing to connect and support each other through our mental health journeys. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you believe, what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, who you love or the color of your skin. We want to encourage you to move forward by offering opportunities to receive help, share life with with others and celebrate your progress.

DISCLAIMER: if you are in a crisis and are in need of immediate help, please visit our crisis resources list.

Receive Support

Our anonymous forum is a safe place to share how you feel. Whatever burden you’re carrying today, you are not alone. You can post in the Support category about the struggles you face with total anonymity and without being judged. Click on to get started. You will receive supportive responses within 24 hours from other community members.

Create a New Topic

Get Started
  1. Go to the forum home page and click “Sign Up” in the top right corner to create your account.
  2. Confirm your email.
  3. Once you’re logged in, click “New Topic” in the top righthand corner above the list of topics and write your post.

All of the rules can be summed up in one ask: help uphold our culture of unconditional acceptance and love. Check out our community guidelines for more information.

—> You can report inappropriate content or spam by flagging a post or emailing [email protected]



—> By submitting information to heartsupport.com , you grant heartsupport.com a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to that information at its sole discretion, including storing it on heartsupport.com servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed.
—> If you do not wish to grant heartsupport.com these rights, it is suggested that you do not submit information to this website. heartsupport.com reserves the right to select, edit and arrange submissions, and to remove information from the heartsupport.com website at any time at its sole discretion.


HeartSupport provides emotional support and discussion, but does not provide specific individual medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, treatment advice, or a second opinion for health conditions and therefore, is not meant to replace consultation with a health care professional. A conversation, email, or correspondence in any medium between you and a HeartSupport team member does not constitute a therapeutic or professional relationship, even if the HeartSupport team member is a mental health professional. Individual questions are not necessarily responded to for the requesting person, but may be discussed in generalities in an effort to maintain ethical boundaries of some HeartSupport team members. If you have an existing ailment or an urgent health problem, consult with a health care provider. HeartSupport is not able to respond immediately or individually to queries. All questions are read, however not all questions are responded to. HeartSupport is not an instant or individual response site. understands that the author and publisher are not rendering specific medical or mental health services or treatment. The reader should consult their own licensed professional for care and treatment of any diagnosis or condition specific to their situation. Therefore, HeartSupport disclaims all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which may be incurred as a consequence indirectly or directly of the application or use of this forum. If you are struggling with thoughts or plans of self-harm or suicide or this is an emergency, you should immediately seek professional help or call 911 for assistance.

Share life with a safe community

We are present both on the Support Wall and on Discord. Most Forum categories that you see here are mirrored on each platform, which means that you will interact with people who are members of the Forum and people who are members of our Discord server. If you want to hang out and share life with others in a way that is more casual and not necessarily mental-health related, you may consider:

→ Interacting in the Lifestyle and Progress part of the forum.
→ Join the community on Discord!

Volunteer with us!


Support Wall Action Teams (SWAT) meet together once a week on our Discord server to encourage people who posted on the forum. It is a fantastic place to help others while connecting with like-minded individuals.

  • How to join a SWAT?

    1. Create a Discord Account. It takes only a few minutes to create an account with an email address!
    1. Join Heartsupport’s Discord by clicking HERE
    1. Follow the instructions that you will find as you connect on the server.
      If you struggle with any of these steps, reach out to our Groups Manager at [email protected]. We would love to help and facilitate your onboarding.

Find more information about SWAT Teams and how it works on our website: S.W.A.T. - Support Wall Action Teams | HeartSupport