Welp never thought i d do this but yeah i m kinda

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Falling in Reverse Popular Monster
Welp. Never thought I’d do this. But yeah I’m kinda letting myself off the hook. Feels like no matter how hard I work it’s not enough, I don’t feel the motivation to fix anything, damaged from past relationships and failures and so I’ve gotten kinda comfortable with where I’m at and just watching shit crumble around me. I try to be there for others more than I’m there for myself while I’m drowning in mediocrity and alcohol

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I feel you on the motivation to not fix anything my friend, there are times when I feel I am not enough as well. Failures are a part of life, we need to learn from them and not let the fear of failing again stop us from carrying on.
When I get in that situation I make a list of what needs to get done and give myself a pep talk. It takes me time to get things done, but I force myself to keep going, even though I don’t want to.
Sometimes we need to let our friends wait a short time and deal with our inner demons.
I believe in you. You can do this. Never give up on yourself.