What’s the point of life

This is my first time doing anything like this but I have a question: what is the point of life, I mean non of us have every-found out. I am an atheist and usually get pissed of when people say ‘god has a purpose for us all’ but we live we learn we do shit and die that’s life in a nutshell. What’s the point.
Personally I am a high schooler about to go into scolio surgery and I’ve been thinking, why. The fact that I will die does it really matter if I get this surgery and live a long life I mean am I just playing out my doom. Why are we all playing out our deaths

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Have you ever gotten a gaming console for a birthday or Christmas?

When you unwrapped it, when it was brand new, the hottest on the market, and you got that game you really wanted to play, the one that just released, and you had to unwrap it from that beautiful clear plastic wrap and smell the smell of unboxing what you knew was going to be an epic adventure – did you think to yourself, what’s the point of playing this game when I just know that I’m going to finish it and be done?

Did you ever feel like, “Oh this console is just going to go out of style in two years, I don’t even want to play it?”

Hopelessness and cynicism is a choice. And your life is a gift. You can choose to play it and enjoy the adventure, or you can shit on it and not play :slight_smile:

Obviously there are deeper waters to this life. I believe in God. But you’ve heard that stuff a million times, so it doesn’t necessarily matter to you right now.

So, keep it simple, man. Are you going to play this game? Are you going to enjoy the adventures you can have? Or are you going to throw it in the trash because you know one day you’re going to beat the game?



Hi @Miso,

It really is an interesting question and it’s part of what we can all wonder about sometimes, whether we believe in a God or not. Meaning of life is a huge question and there’s probably as many answers as living humans beings. This answer remains something personal and intimate, but you’ll learn to build your own answers.

I struggled with that kind of question during a certain time and I certainly tried to dig too deeper into this. You can easily run into circles when you start to think this way and push yourself into resignation. At the moment, I lacked of purpose and I wasn’t fulfilled at all by what I was doing, whether it was at school or outside of it. I was preventing myself to do what I wanted and didn’t even acknowledge that. Over time I realized that I was more afraid by the idea of not living the life I wanted than death itself. I was afraid of having regrets if I’d get old. To not behave the way I wanted to, to not accomplish the goals which were hidden somewhere in my mind.

Yes, we all die in the end. But knowing this shouldn’t diminish the importance of life itself. On the opposite, if we were immortals, that would be pretty sad too. Everything would be less interesting, less valuable, less important, less unique.

That kind of question can be disturbing and make you feel lost or stuck right now. But it can be a first step for some introspection, to take the actions you need to improve your life. Nate really pointed out something interesting. What makes sense for you? What are your values? What on this earth makes you feel alive? What are you curious about? What do you love? What do you dislike? What would you like to accomplish with the resources you’ve got? Somehow, through life experiences, you’ll build your own answers. There are times to think about it, to be like an observer of your life. But there are also times when you need to try and be curious. Allow spontaneity to be part of your life. I know it can be scary, but it’s also how we grow and how we find purpose. :heart:

I’m not religious my friend. But I’m spiritual. I was raised religious. However people and things are put in front of us for a reason to assissit us or help us learn and grow.

Self defeat and nihilism is still a teaching tool. It can be used for introspection and examination of self.

You have a surgery coming up? Its scary. You are young. Life at the moment is uncertain. But to be fair life is uncertain at the best of times.

Self belief and conviction of self and reliance of self is a powerful tool.

I hope you find solace and peace and comfort in your troubling times.

Thank you for sharing

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Thank you I’m literally crying right now :slight_smile:

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If people simply didn’t care about living life just because in the end we’re going to pass on, we wouldn’t have all of the great things and people who fill our world. There are a lot of amazing people and great things out there to be explored, tried and experienced.

The point of life is different for everyone! For one person the point and purpose may be family. To grow and build their own family, children and fill life with love.

For another person the point and purpose of life may be music! So they spend their time devoting themselves to music, learning and growing so that they can be better at what they are passionate about and achieve their dreams

Maybe for someone else their point and purpose in life is to travel! So they spend life saving to go on trips to all of the places they want to see. Explore new sites and discover new places.

Mine, is my art. To help others. To build a healthy and close relationship with my partner and someday travel and explore new places.

My friend, the point isn’t that we are going to just die in the end. The point is how we fill our time until that happens! To live life to the fullest. Life is truly short. Spend that time filling your days with things you are passionate about and enjoy. So that when time comes when we pass we can look back and say “I lived!”

That is the point. That we live. That we have the choice to mold our life how we want to. :heart:

This is really real for me this week.

From the time I was 16, I knew I wanted to be an engineer. I got a full ride and strutted into college to skate through my engineering degree, only to fall flat on my face after the first year. At that point I had lost my identity and I didn’t know who I was anymore. Fast forward, I got my Associates degree in Drafting Technology and dropped out of engineering school twice, but through patience, diligence, and opportunism I’ve worked my way into a lead Research and Development position in just 7 years. I’m a natural at this. It’s my gift and my calling, and I can use it to change the world. After my failures in school, I’ve been determined to be the very best at it. But I’ve been struggling because I just don’t see long-term fulfillment out there. I’ve wanted to invent something that revolutionizes the world, but I imagine what that would feel like, and all I can feel is whoopee I did something. Now what?

But I was journaling this week and somewhere along the way I was hit with a thought: What’s the end game? My life won’t be complete once I invent something cool. What am I chasing? I’ve been thinking about it nonstop over the last 3 days. I want to throw up in my mouth when they say “Life’s a journey, not a destination.” But to put it another way, fulfillment isn’t a singular accomplishment, it’s the process of doing what you do best. It’s a brand new thought, and I’ll be processing it for awhile, but at this moment I feel really free thinking that I don’t have to “do something great” to have a fulfilling life.

P.S. No matter what you see in the movies, high school sucks. Even if you were perfectly healthy, high school would still suck. Everyone from Bill Gates to James Hatfield was a high schooler at some point, and I guarantee it sucked for them too. And anyone who thinks high school is great is peaking too early and gonna have a really sad adulthood. But it gets better. Hang in there a couple more years, and you’ll start figuring things out.