When i was eight years old my dad threw me at the

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
When I was eight years old my dad threw me at the wall for not getting ready for school on time.


It can be hard to share these things and what we have been through in regards to abuse. That was not right of your dad to do, and if you would like to share more with us about what you are experiencing in life. Please feel free to do so <3.

Hi Friend,

Thank you for sharing. Iā€™m very sorry to hear about your experience with your father. And to think about the other potential experiences you might have endured growing up as well. What your dad did was not okay at all, and no child should have to go through that, especially because of something so trivial. I hope that you have been able to work through any trauma from this and that you are doing okay today. :white_heart: