When the Helpers Need Help

Tonight’s been a scary night.

I struggle with mental health issues. I’m a recovering self harmer, and have suicide attempts. And I have overcome. However, some of my close friends have not been so lucky. I’ve become part of this “family” of people who I met through one of my hospital stays. And one of them, I’ve grown very close to. She’s like an older sister to me. She’s been doing really bad with her mental health, and has been in and out of the hospital with OD’s/S.A’s.

I try to keep tabs on her as often as possible, so that she knows someone is there for her. Tonight, our conversation consisted of her asking me if I would make sure that her mom and kids got her letter she left on her computer for them. I knew what that meant. I panicked. She’s moved around a couple times due to marriage and then her divorce - and knowing how to get to her place by memory, I’ve never really memorized her address. So I couldn’t call a welfare check. She stopped responding to my texts and wouldn’t answer the phone. Finally, at some point, her son answered when I called. He let me know that he had found her and called an ambulance, but that she was okay and was heading to the hospital.

It’s always the same thing. They keep her for a few days, do some therapy, and then let her go. And each time, her attempts get worse. I’m afraid I’m going to get her goodbye texts one of these days and none of us are going to get to her until it’s too late. We lost one of our “family” members to suicide last year…I don’t want to lose another one.

I just needed to get that off of my chest.


Will be praying for you and your friend. It’s hard to be there for someone every second and never knowing if you could lose them. Best thing would be for your friend to seek help on their own terms. Just do what you can and be there for them. It’s all you can do sometimes. Try not to stress too much, I’m sure you are doing your best to help them.


You’re absolutely right that she should seek help on her own terms. And really, when it comes to that, I am very much a step back, and let her take the wheel. I just want to make sure that she stays alive to achieve that. God, it is so hard to just be calm. Thank you, @Fullthrottle777.

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This is my first post here, but I was in the Twitch channel when Dan and Casey were talking about it. I just wanted to stop in to show my support, and tell you how incredibly hard it must be in your position. I’ve unfortunately experienced this before, and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. At the risk of being just another person offering unwanted advice: times like these when we get bogged down by the what if and the could be, we need to remember to live in the now. NOW she is getting the help she needs. You have done all that you can for now. The rest is in others hands.
The last thing I want to leave you with is thank you for being who you are and supporting this women the way you have. Stories like this are so hard to read, but also knowing there’s people like you that are in the world gives me hope and joy.


Thank you your heart to support your friend. Is she open to broadening her circle so you and your group are not the only people she can go to, but to have bigger arsenal belt to fight her mental health?

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Hey friend. I’m sorry you’re going through this.
I recently lost a friend to an overdose and it’s so difficult.

Maybe there’s a way to find other resources for her outside of the hospital?
Keep going, you’re a good friend, you got this.

Hold Fast

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Hey there,
The guys responded to you today on the twitch live stream.
Hold fast.

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I know she has a group of friends from nursing school, but I don’t know how close nor open she is with them. She is also one of those people who, like a lot of us, will put on a brave face when others are looking.

We’re definitely looking and she has told me that she is looking into ECT, which I glad for. She did get a hold of me today to let me know that she was feeling OK, which is so awesome to hear and a better place than she has been in.

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This is such a difficult position to be in. I’m sorry you were experiencing that level of stress and uncertainty for your friend. Even though it’s a manifestation of love, it’s still heavy. Also on the updates: what a relief to hear that she’s feeling okay today!

She is also one of those people who, like a lot of us, will put on a brave face when others are looking.

I’m in a similar place with a friend. They have people in their life but are also really good at hiding how they feel. They share things with me that they don’t want to share with their therapist or anyone else. Even though I encourage them to do so, I can’t rush that process and I want to honor their trust. So during this tough season we got to the point of agreeing for them to send me one message everyday, even to say nothing, with no obligation to have a conversation, otherwise I’d call the emergencies to check on them. It feels like supporting someone only with a thread that connects us - it’s fragile, but also strong at the same time. In such circumstances, I have to keep in mind that it’s better than nothing. When we go through a rough time, there are also things we need to learn and understand by ourselves. But as a friend it’s hard to evaluate, again and again, where is the line between doing too much or not enough. I hear you.

This situation is stressful, especially when you know that struggle from a personal standpoint. And because of this very reason, it’s also important to really take care of yourself too. It’s both the beautiful and tough part of being in this position: you understand the value of trusting someone with your heart when you’re at your lowest and contemplating the idea of giving up. But also when you are the one who’s trusted, you really don’t want to fail on that person, with all the stress that it can bring from time to time.

You have a good heart, Tara. It is obvious that you care a lot. You’re a good friend. And even though I don’t know the details of this relationship, I can tell that you are doing your best. Both thankfully and unfortunately: your best is all you can do.

The other side of this situation is that you’re still an individual with your own life. You also have a need for safety and peace, and some boundaries can’t be crossed. I hope you know that there is absolutely nothing selfish in that statement. As you can only let the doors open to your friend, trust becomes also mutual: you trust their capacity to make the right decisions and keep in mind, during their darkest times, that they are loved, seen, and cared for.

During these moments, when we’re really struggling it’s like having two voices battling in our head. I’m pretty sure you see what I mean. There’s the one that is expressing an insane amount of pain, and the one that knows where the truth is. But it’s like losing our grip on reality, and the second voice is drowning more and more. As a friend, the best you can do is to be that second voice when your loved one is losing sight of it. But the moment they feel it is not something you can force or rush. You can’t erase the pain they feel. You can’t carry it on your own shoulders. You can only inject soft touches of love, care and peace, with the hope that it grows stronger in their own heart. Whether it’s through listening, connecting, sharing experiences, resources, and advice eventually. That’s what you’ve been doing. I really want to thank you for what you do for your friend. You’re a precious ally to them. Despite the ups and downs, despite the cycles that keep repeating and can be discouraging, it is obvious that you’ve been a pillar of strength and stability to them, in the midst of doubts, hurt and uncertainty.

You did the right thing by sharing this. I hope it helps to know that you are not alone and you are absolutely free to share what’s on your heart, especially when you are facing such a stressful situation. It’s so important not to stay alone - even just to let things off your chest. There are deep emotions at play and you also need to be cared for. There is no doubt that you’re a huge supporter to your friend and you want to do as much as possible to help them. But I also understand how it feels when you face this difference between the love you have for someone and what you can actually do. I hope with all my heart that they will feel progressively better and this dark cycle will give space for a new light. You’re already a light to them. And while you are holding the hand of your friend, we are holding yours. :hrtlegolove:


Thank you, for all your words. <3

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