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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
While many would say this song is about “Question Authority” or even the warning of “The hell of war” and an “Anti War Protest Song”…IN Metallica’s own video titled “Three Of One” it is explained that Metallica had an idea for a song about “What would happen IF you have no way to communicate with ANYBODY at all?” in other words you were totally “cut off from society and everything, sight, hearing and speech no longer functioned”!!!
THEN their manager or producer suggested “Johnny’s Got His Gun” and from that One was born!!
THE POINT to the song is, what if YOU are all alone! Nobody can hear you, nobody can see you, and you are just “ONE”, alone, isolated, abandon!!! And I know first hand HOW this feels myself in that, for me, nobody ever takes me seriously when I talk, I am often ridiculed, mocked, humiliated and taken for granted. And now at 60 years old, I have spent much of my life “alone” even at times when I am in a room FULL of people I am told I “should know”!! Even in my own family, I AM the outsider constantly, so being alone all my years as taught me to be self reliant, self sufficient, and very independent! Though the last 25 or so years I NOW have an amazing woman in my life, BUT even her help, at times I still feel isolated and abandon at times, through NO FAULT of her own!! It has become hard for me to “trust people” and even harder to ask others for help…because of years, decades alone!! And at times I am still all alone in the things I do because it is impossible to for me to find people I can depend on!!