Why does mental health support matter to you how d

This topic represents a post from FACEBOOK that was created by HeartSupport where users are invited to open up about their mental health struggles.

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  • When a user from FACEBOOK is in need of support, topics are created for them in this forum category, where you can encourage them.

Why does mental health support matter to you? How do YOU take action to support the mental health of the scene?
Comment below⬇️ Let’s talk about it!
#mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth Music #metal #furnacefest HeartSupport #nonprofit

Not only have I worked in the mental health field specifically but also in human/social services for 27 years.
But I also live with bipolar depression and anxiety. I’ve been in the brutal lows and felt that darkness. I’ve felt severe suicidal ideation and had specific plans many times. But I have risen up through it and I won’t give up the fight. I want people to know there is help out there.

Are you all gonna be at Sonic Temple in May?

I have been fighting mental health issues most of my life but in 2015 I lost my six-year-old son to a sudden and fatal asthma attack. I have been in therapy since and recently my therapist recommended me to look into becoming a peer specialist. I am working on the free training put out by my state to become certified. I have also started a page & private group Mental Wellness and Cosplay this month to help promote mental health specifically in the cosplay and convention scene. This sounds like a great group to be a part of.